Friday 18 November 2016

Frontline Gaming Article Highlight

I've steadily been continuing to write content for Frontline Gaming, as well as my own blog posts here. I thought I would take the time to highlight some of my recent articles that may be of interest to the blog readers that you may have missed. 

Humourous Army Reviews
I have continued to write up some spoof, tongue in cheek reviews for certain army builds in 40k. These have recently included:

The Lost Art of the Written Army List
This was an editorial based on a recurring trend when I go to tournaments these days. It was sparked after attending the recent Fluffageddon tournament, where not a single one of my three opponents had a paper copy of their army list for me. Instead, I was given a phone with a Battlescribe file to take a quick look before the game started. These are some of my thoughts on the etiquette of tournament lists.

In addition to these, I have a whole host of Space Marine and Dark Angels unit and formation reviews on the site for your perusal. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Nice! Found your codex reviews very funny, although I have missed one or two so I will go back and have a read. I have just read your army list post and I have to confess I have done this myself with the phone. I very rarely attend tournaments so it is not something I have really considered. Def something for me to pay attention to next time I go to one

    1. Cheers NafNaf! If I can get only one player thinking about bringing a printed army list for a tournament, then my work is done ;)

  2. But you can use Battlescribe pretty easily to print them out!

    1. Yeah, but no one seems to do that. I would be happy with a paper copy of a battlescribe list!

  3. Printing hard! You should have asked them to use their phone during the entire game so you could reference their list as you needed to. They might have caught on then.

  4. It doesn't seem to be largely expected... I brought multiple copies of my list, one for me and one for each opponent. Came back with all four copies, the one list got glanced at but mostly people just preferred to ask me what things did.

    In older days when there was less stuff, we could all reasonably look at a list and know what most of it does. Now, especially with all the formations, individual knowledge has suffered, therefore reading a paper that says "hunter cadre" is fairly meaningless... easier just to ask your opponent "ok, what shenanigans does this bullshit allow?" :P

  5. That's very odd about the army lists. Here in the states BattleScribe is definitely common for list building but bringing printed copies of the list is still common etiquette here. For example, I attended a major event with over 100 players this past weekend. Every one of my opponents had a printed copy of their lists.
