Thursday 20 August 2020

Hobby Update 20/08/20- Primaris Chaplain

 Today's hobby update features a Primaris Chaplain for my Space Marine armies. I purchased this model and got it painted up a couple of weeks ago. Annoyingly, I prefer the new Chaplain in the Indomitus boxed set, so will probably paint that one up too. I can't see me fielding both in a game, but perhaps they will work well with my White Scars combat units. 

Monday 17 August 2020

Hobby Update 17/08/20- Deathwatch Redemptor Dreadnought

 Today's hobby update features a Redemptor Dreadnought for my Deathwatch army. I actually stripped the paint from this, as it was part of my Dark Angels army, and re-painted it for my Deathwatch. 

This was the "easy to build" model, so I converted it to carry a Gatling Cannon in place of the Heavy Flamer. 

Friday 14 August 2020

Hobby Update 14/08/20- White Scars Invictor Tactical Warsuit

 Today's hobby update features an Invictor Tactical Warsuit for my White Scars army. This suit presents an early threat to the enemy army, as it can infiltrate and get right up to the enemy forces from the beginning of the game. 

In addition, it has some potent firepower with its giant flamer, and some good combat ability. I ran out of White Scars vehicle transfers for its "shoulder pad", so need to go back and add the Chapter symbol once I source some more. 

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Hobby Update 12/08/20- White Scars Primaris Impulsor

Today's hobby update features a second Primaris transport for my White Scars army, the Impulsor. 

I had been waiting on assembling and painting this model for a long time, as I was hoping that the Deathwatch would gain access to the transport. However, that doesn't seem to be coming any time soon, so I decided to add the vehicle to my White Scars. 

This should come in useful for getting the Assault Intercessors into combat, providing some nice protection for the squad as they advance. 

Monday 10 August 2020

Hobby Update 10/08/20- Deathwatch Intercessor Squad

Today's hobby update features a unit of Intercessors that I painted up for my Deathwatch army. It's been a while since I broke out the paints for any of my forces, and I was surprised how quickly I got these done, only taking about a day of painting over the weekend to complete the small unit. 

I got this squad painted so that I could add some Inceptors and Aggressors to the squad to form another Primaris kill team in my army. Unfortunately, the recent updates for the Deathwatch means that fielding Inceptors in the squad is pretty pointless, as they no longer grant the ability to fall back and still fire. 

Thursday 6 August 2020

Update on 2020

Hi everyone, today I wanted to give you an update on some of the things that I have been thinking about over the past few months and update you on St Andrews Wargaming. 

Regular readers will have noticed a distinct lack in output on the blog in the last year. This was partly due to motivation and partly due to having less free time to game or do hobby work on my armies. 

A lot of this was to due with the current COVID-19 crisis. My work has continued to open throughout the lockdown, so haven't had as much spare time as others to work on my project. Plus, it has been a particularly nice summer so far, so I've had little motivation to stay indoors and write or paint while the sun has been shining. The lack of anything to do at weekends during lockdown has not actually had much impact on my hobby motivation. I got a bit done at the start, painting up a couple of units and some ITC terrain, but other than that, I've not really been doing much over the past few months. 

The lack of hobby content and gaming has meant that motivation for writing the blog fell a bit by the wayside. I'm happy to report that this should be changing soon. 

I'm also hopeful that the quicker games and smaller armies of 9th edition will help out the with battle reports. To be honest, towards the end of 8th edition, writing up the battle reports was getting to be a bit of a slog. There was simply too much happening to note and write about, that it was taking me ages to simply get through them. The current batch of tournament battle reports from the Bournemouth Bash were played almost a year ago, and I am only now getting round to finishing them up. 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Beachhead Brawl Tournament Battle Report: Game 6- White Scars vs Iron Hands

The final game of Beachhead Brawl would see my White Scars take on Phil's Iron Hands in ITC mission 6. This game took place pre-Iron Hands nerf, so that would have a big shooting advantage throughout the game. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain on Bike- Twin Bolter, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Master of Snares, Wrath of the Heavens
Librarian- Jump Pack, Force Stave, Mantle of the Stormseer, Ride the Winds, Storm-wreathed
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
Impulsor- 2 Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Shield Dome
3 Eliminators- Bolt Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks
3 Eliminators- Bolt Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks

Battalion Detachment
Captain- Jump Pack, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Chapter Master, Imperium's Sword
Lieutenant- Jump Pack, Power Axe, MC Bolter
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistol, Combat Knives
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters

Battalion Detachment
Chaplain- Jump Pack, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol, Litany of Hate, Warlord
Phobos Librarian- Force Sword, Camo Cloak, Shrouding, Mind Raid
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Lascannon
Thunderfire Cannon- Techmarine Gunner with Flamer, Plasma Cutter, 2 Servo-arms

Monday 3 August 2020

Beachhead Brawl Battle Report: Game 5- White Scars vs Chaos Space Marines/Knights

Game four of the Beachhead Brawl would see my White Scars take on Ben's Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Knights in ITC mission 5.

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain on Bike- Twin Bolter, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Master of Snares, Wrath of the Heavens
Librarian- Jump Pack, Force Stave, Mantle of the Stormseer, Ride the Winds, Storm-wreathed
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
Impulsor- 2 Storm Bolters, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Shield Dome
3 Eliminators- Bolt Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks
3 Eliminators- Bolt Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks

Battalion Detachment
Captain- Jump Pack, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Chapter Master, Imperium's Sword
Lieutenant- Jump Pack, Power Axe, MC Bolter
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistol, Combat Knives
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters

Battalion Detachment
Chaplain- Jump Pack, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol, Litany of Hate, Warlord
Phobos Librarian- Force Sword, Camo Cloak, Shrouding, Mind Raid
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Lascannon
Thunderfire Cannon- Techmarine Gunner with Flamer, Plasma Cutter, 2 Servo-arms