Friday 30 October 2020
Space Marine Codex Review: Part 2- Stratagems (second half)
Thursday 29 October 2020
Space Marine Codex Review: Part 1- Stratagems (first half)
Welcome to the first part of my Space Marine Codex review for 9th edition. As expected, Marines lead the charge with one of the first codexes for the new edition of the game. This first part of my review will take a look at the Stratagems available to the army.
Wednesday 14 October 2020
Index Astartes Deathwatch- Review and Initial Thoughts
As you will probably have seen, a lot of armies have had their rules updated for 9th edition. The Deathwatch have been folded into the Space Marine codex, and as such, have their own supplement to modify their rules to update them with the new codex. I'm going to take a look at some of the rules that have been presented and what they may mean for the Deathwatch.
Special Issue Ammunition
This has seen a big change, not only in what the ammo does, but in who and what weapons can utilise it.
Dragonfire Bolts- Target unit does not gain the benefit of cover.
This is a great change for Dragonfire bolts. Under the previous rules, I don't think I even used this round type in any of my games, now I can see it being very useful. Not only do you ignore the +1 to armour saves of cover (great with the Doctrines now in effect), but you also ignore the -1 to hit from some cover types. This should help to provide good accuracy for your Bolter weapons throughout the game.
Hellfire Bolts- +1 to wound against targets that are not vehicles or Titanic.
This is the biggest change and reduction in power to the SIA. Being able to wound almost any unit on a 2+ was incredible for the Deathwatch and one of the reasons that the Storm Bolter became such a feared weapon for the Deathwatch. I think the change was inevitable, but it is a big blow to the army. The bonus to wound is still great, allowing you to wound all but the toughest monsters on a 4+, as well as wounding Marines on a 3+. I'm not sure how often this will be used in my games now, I will need to run the numbers to see.