Thursday 25 April 2024

UKTC Oxford Super Major- Tournament Review Day 1

I recently attended the first Oxford Super Major held by the UKTC. This was a new event for 2024 in the area, and I was keen to try it out since it was so local to me. I decided to take my World Eaters, as I have been using them a lot recently in the club league and they are one of the most competitive armies that I currently own. 

Overall, I had a great time at the event. The venue was really nice and spacious. There was space on each table to place models, drinks, etc, and plenty of space to move around the hall and between tables, something that is not always the case at UKTC events. The event seemed to run really smoothly and I had some tough games, with no easy wins over the course of the weekend. 

The list I took was:
Master of Execution- Berserkers Glaive
Lord Invocatus
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound
3 Eightbound
2 Chaos Spawn

I decided to take a second unit of Jackals for screening and move blocking purposes. I swapped out Kharn for the Master of Execution, as he is better into a lot of the meta units at the moment. 

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Terrain Showcase- UKTC Jungle Board

I recently completed a new terrain set for the gaming club and tournaments we hold. This was to be used with the Frontline Gaming jungle mat, and used the UKTC terrain set. I was wanting to do another one of these for a while, but struggled to get the plastic vines needed for the design that I wanted. 

Fortunately, I was able to pick up some plastic vines on a visit to a local garden centre, so was able to put together the set. 

Monday 8 April 2024

Tournament Battle Report- Chaos Daemons vs Blood Angels

Today's battle report features my Khorne Chaos Daemons taking on Tom's Blood Angels army at our Into the Maelstrom 5 club tournament. 
This tournament was billed as a friendlier style event, where less powerful lists were used and some of the more unusual missions would be in play. The tournament was using GW layout terrain and featured 16 players. 

My army consisted of:
6 units of Bloodletters
3 Bloodcrushers
3 Bloodcrushers
3 units of 5 Flesh hounds
Skull Cannon

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Battle Report- World Eaters vs Space Wolves

Today's game sees my World Eaters take on Mark's Space Wolves in a league game for Didcot Wargames Club. This mission was Scorched Earth using Dawn of War deployment. 

My army consisted of:
Kharn the Betrayer
Lord Invocatus
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
3 Exalted Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Eightbound
2 Chaos Spawn

This was the army from a recent tournament, but with the Lord on Juggernaught replaced by another unit of 5 Berzerkers, to give me another unit for holding objectives or trading.