Thursday 28 September 2017

Battle Report 119- 2000 pts White Scars vs Eldar

Today's battle report sees my White Scars army take on Luke's Aeldari force comprised of Eldar and Harlequins. 

I played this game at Battle Bunker in Sunderland. The mission was the Cloak and Shadows  (3 cards per turn, hidden from your opponent) maelstrom mission using table quarters deployment. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain- Bike, Teeth of Terra (C)
Lieutenant- Master-crafted Bolter (L)
10 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Meltagun (TS1)
Rhino- Storm Bolter (R)
6 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Flamer (TS2)
5 Scouts- Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks (S1)
Razorback- Twin Assault Cannon (Rb)
10 Sternguard Veterans- Special Issue Bolters (S2)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
5 Vanguard Veterans- 3 pairs Lightning Claws, 2 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields (VV)

Outrider Detachment
Chaplain- Jump Pack (Ch)
5 Bikers- 2 Grav Guns, Power Fist (B1)
5 Bikers- 2 Meltaguns, Power Axe (B2)
6 Scout Bikers (SB)
2 Attack Bikes- Multi-meltas (AB)

7 Command Points

My warlord was the Captain and he took the White Scars Deadly Hunter Warlord trait.

I decided to mix up my army from their last outing. I added a second detachment, led by a Chaplain with a Jump Pack. To support him, I took a unit of Vanguard Veterans with various combat weapons. Other than that, my list was quite similar to last time. 

Tuesday 26 September 2017

How to use Battle Chronicler: Part 2- Importing your own terrain

Yesterday, I took you through the process of creating your own battle report maps using Battle Chronicler. Today, I will take you through the process of importing your own terrain into the maps to make them a bit more accurate. 

Creating the PNG
In order to use your terrain images in Battle Chronicler, you must first take some photos of your terrain. The best way to do this is to take an overhead image of each terrain piece. 

The easiest way to do this is to take a photo on a black background from above (the underside of a gaming mat is perfect for this). This is not ideal in every situation, especially at games at tournaments or other gaming stores. 

For example, here are some images of terrain from a recent game I played. 

With the images in hand, you are now ready to create the PNG image. For this, I use Photoshop, so will take you through the process that I use. 

Open Photoshop and open the file with your terrain image. 

Click on the "Select and Mask..." button shown below. 

Monday 25 September 2017

How to use Battle Chronicler: Part 1- The Basics

Want to know how I make the maps for my battle reports? Check out this tutorial and you will be able to make your own awesome maps to illustrate your battle reports.

A few people have asked recently for a tutorial on how to use Battle Chronicler, so I finally put something together while working on my recent battle reports. This was how I put together the maps for my first game at the recent North West Open tournament. 

Battle Chronicler is a great, free online program that I use for making my the maps for my battle reports on the blog. It takes a little bit of effort to use and draw the maps, but I think it is completely worthwhile and really adds to the reports. 

This first part of the tutorial will take you through the basics of creating your maps for a battle report, along with some tips that I have picked up over the years. Part 2 will show you how to input your own battlefield images to create more realistic maps of your games. Hopefully, these might encourage you to use the program yourself for your own battle reports, or simply be an interesting read to see how I go about making the maps for my own battle reports. 

You can download Battle Chronicler from their website. You can also download the components to give you some terrain images to use in your own maps from the start. 

Defining the Game
When you first open Battle Chronicler for the first time, it will ask you what kind of system you will be using your maps for. You can select either ranked square bases or round skirmish bases. Even though 40k is a round, skirmish game, I prefer to use the square ranked up representation. I think this looks neater on the maps, but you can choose whichever you wish. 

With Battle Chronicler open, go to File and select New. This box should appear:

Thursday 21 September 2017

Battle Report 118- 2000 pts White Scars vs Crimson Fists

This week's battle report is the first outing for my White Scars in 8th edition, where they would be facing off against Maurice's Crimson Fists. I had played Maurice's great looking Crimson Fists army with my Deathwatch, but have not tried them with my Scars yet, so was really looking forward to seeing how they would perform with the new codex. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain- Bike, Teeth of Terra, Master-crafted Boltgun (C)
Librarian- Force Sword (L1)
10 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Meltagun (TS1)
Rhino- Storm Bolter (R)
5 Scouts- Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles (S1)
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Flamer (TS2)
Razorback- Twin Assault Cannon (Rb)
10 Sternguard- Special Issue Bolter (S2)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
5 Devastators- 4 Missile Launchers, Armorium Cherub (D)

Outrider Detachment
Librarian- Terminator Armour, Force Stave, Storm Bolter (L2)
5 Scout Bikers- Twin Bolters, Shotguns (SB)
5 Bikers- 2 Grav Guns, Twin Bolters (B1)
4 Bikers- Twin Bolters (B2)
2 Attack Bikes- Multi-meltas (AB)
10 Assault Marines- Flamer, Sergeant with Power Fist (AS)

7 Command Points

For my first foray with the White Scars in 8th edition, I decided to take a mix of units. The army was obviously led by a Captain on a Bike. I took the Teeth of Terra to give him a boost in his attacks. I then took a couple of Librarians, one on foot and one in Terminator armour. For my troops choices, I took two Tactical Squads in transports and a unit of Scout Snipers for some character killing action. The Sternguard in a Drop Pod were another useful addition, as they have access to some great Bolters for killing other Marines and a very useful Stratagem. A unit of Devastators with Missile Launchers would allow me to take on armoured threats.

An outrider detachment would provide the typical White Scars elements that I am used to fielding; two units of Bikers, a unit of Scout Bikers, two Attack Bikes and a unit of Assault Marines. These would provide some very mobile units and some potent firepower for my army.

The Watch Captain was my Warlord and took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait. The Terminator Librarian took Veil of Time and Might of Heroes. The other Librarian took Fury of the Ancients and Null Zone.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Hobby Goals 2017-2018

The Confessions of a 40k addict hobby season has now begun. I am a little bit late to get my goals together for the coming year (too much great content to post first, perhaps?). 

Here are some of my hobby goals for the coming year:

1. Find a new gaming club
Another move this year necessitates finding a new gaming club! Fortunately, there is a gaming club in Oxford, so I hope to go along and check it out. I also will need to check out the Reading gaming club. I did half my industrial placement year in Reading and attended the gaming club there. Even though it was 9 years ago, the club had a huge number of players. Hopefully, it is still as awesome as it was. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Army Showcase- Deathwatch Army

I recently completed my Deathwatch army, so here are some photos of the entire force. I started this army at the end of last year, and managed to get a fair amount painted up in the past year. With this army, I really wanted to push my painting skills and try to put together a nice looking force of Space Marine Veterans. 

The army comes in at just under 4000 pts (3977 pts including modelled upgrades), so there is a lot of scope for customisation at the standard level of 2000 pts. 

As this is an army showcase, I thought I'd answer the standard questions for my Army Showcase series. 

Monday 18 September 2017

New Frontline Gaming Articles

With the release of the 8th edition codex, I have been able to start writing more in depth reviews of certain units for Frontline Gaming. I just wanted to highlight these to some of the readers, in case you had not seen them. 

You can check out the Frontline Gaming tab to get a list of my articles over there. Please check them out and comment on them if you feel like it (the more they get read and commented on, the better for me, as they'll want me to write more!). This gives me a chance to go into more detail than I did for my initial reviews, as well as to add some insight from actually playing games with the units. 

Sunday 17 September 2017

Hobby Sunday 17/09/17- Genestealer Cult Metamorph Hybrids

This week, I also managed to complete a unit of Metamorph Hybrids for my Genestealer Cult army. Even though these models take a while to paint with all the details, they are a joy to paint as I think they really come to life when completed. 

With these models, I have been trying to get them done to a decent tabletop standard. I have not picked out every single detail on the model, but I think they still look good. For example, I have left some of the hoses and buttons the same colour as the armour. I don't think this detracts too much from them, as they could get a bit too busy with all the details picked out (at least, that's my excuse!). 

Here are some work in progress photos. 

Saturday 16 September 2017

Hobby Saturday 16/09/17- Neophyte Hybrids

This week, I have been continuing my work on my slowly growing Genestealer Cult force. 

First up, I managed to finish off my unit of Neophyte Hybrids that I had started last week. These were from the Deathwatch Overkill boxed set.

Friday 15 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Deathwatch Army and Tournament Review

I recently attended Bunker War 3 and the North West Open 2017 with my Deathwatch army. This post will take a look at the army that I took to the tournament and review how it performed during my games. I will also be reviewing the tournament itself, as well as the ITC missions, as this was the first time that I was playing them.

Army Review
As a reminder, my army consisted of:

Battalion Detachment
Watch Master
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords 
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords 
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers
Vindicare Assassin

6 Command Points

I am finding the Deathwatch army quite a struggle in 8th edition at the moment. They are a small, elite army, but lack the durability of other elite armies such as Grey Knights or Harlequins (not the toughest, but that invulnerable save goes a long way). Their firepower output can be high, but you need to get to close range to make the most of the Frag Cannons, leaving the Kill Teams very vulnerable to counter-assault and being wiped out. 

Thursday 14 September 2017

Hobby Season 2016-2017: Review

I'm a bit late to the party with my review of my hobby season for 2016-2017, but there has been a lot of other blog content that I have wanted to get out recently (and I don't like double posting!). 

The hobby season is a feature run by Dave at Confessions of a 40k addict that a number of other great bloggers take part in. Last year, I set myself some hobby goals try and complete, so let's see how I got on. 

1. Find a new gaming club- SUCCESS
Last year, I was in the process of moving down to Newcastle, so one of my hobby goals for the year was to find a new gaming club to play 40k. Fortunately, this hobby goal was a big success and I found several new clubs to attend. 
In Newcastle, I was able to attend the Heaton Gaming Club, Newcastle Warlords gaming club and Durham Raiders, three excellent clubs in the area where I had a lot of great discussions with fellow hobbyists and some fantastic battles to write up as battle reports. 

In addition, an awesome new gaming store opened in Sunderland during my time in Newcastle. Battle Bunker is a great store which runs regular tournaments, as well as having plenty of great tables available for casual gaming. 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Armies on Display

The North West Open tournament saw some fantastic armies at the event. Here are some photos of the painting competition. 

Monday 11 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Game 5- Deathwatch vs Astra Militarum

The final game of the North West Open tournament would see my Deathwatch taking on Toby's Astra Militarum army, featuring a lot of Scions and a lot of Tauroxes. 

The mission for game 5 would be ITC scenario 4- The Scouring. For the Eternal War mission, there would be six objectives; two worth one point, two worth two points and two worth three points. The Maelstrom mission also featured 6 objectives; two objective 1's, two objective 2's and two objective 3's. The maelstrom table was:
  1. Hold either Maelstrom Objective 1. 
  2. Hold either Maelstrom Objective 2.
  3. Hold either Maelstrom Objective 3.
  4. Destroy an enemy unit.
  5. Destroy an enemy unit.
  6. Destroy an enemy unit.
Nice and simple. As usual, you generate three unique maelstrom objectives by rolling on the table and choose the two you want to perform. If you generate two hold objectives, you can swap them for holding three objectives for 3 points. Equally, if you roll two destroy an enemy units, you can exchange them for destroying three enemy units for three points. 
The tertiary objectives were Big Game Hunter (whoever destroys the unit with the highest power level), Linebreaker and Slay the Warlord. We would also be using Search and destroy deployment. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws (W)
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield. (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons (KT5)
Rhino (R)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (VV1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword (DB1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords (DB2)
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers (CB)
Vindicare Assassin (V)

6 Command Points

My Warlord was the Watch Master, who took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Hobby Sunday 10/09/17- Neophyte Hybrids WIP

This week I have been doing some work on my Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids from the Deathwatch Overkill boxed set. I managed to get the basecoat and shading done on the models. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them finished over the next week. 

Friday 8 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Game 4- Deathwatch vs Grey Knights

Game one of day two of the North West Open tournament would see my Deathwatch facing off against Daniel's Grey Knights army. 

The mission for game 4 was ITC scenario 6- Secure and control. The eternal war mission consisted of two objectives, one in each of our deployment zones. 
There were also four other maelstrom objectives; two labelled objective 1 and two labelled objective 2. The maelstrom table for this mission was:
  1. Hold Maelstrom objective 1
  2. Hold Maelstrom objective 2
  3. Destroy an enemy unit
  4. Destroy an enemy unit
  5. Have a unit at least partially within the enemy deployment zone (Behind Enemy Lines)
  6. Have at least 3 of your units and no enemy units at least partially within your own deployment zone (Hold the Line)
As with all the ITC missions, you generate 3 unique maelstrom objectives each turn by rolling on the table and choose the two you wish to try and achieve. If you roll up hold objectives 1 and 2, you can exchange it for holding three objectives for 3 maelstrom points. If you roll up destroy an enemy unit twice, you can exchange it for kill three enemy units for three points. 
The tertiary objectives were First Blood, Linebreaker and Slay the Warlord. We would be using Spearhead assault deployment. 

My Deathwatch army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws (W)
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield. (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons (KT5)
Rhino (R)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (VV1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword (DB1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords (DB2)
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers (CB)
Vindicare Assassin (V)

6 Command Points

My Warlord was the Watch Master, who took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait.

Thursday 7 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Game 3- Deathwatch vs Imperial Knights

In the final game of day 1 of the North West Open, my Deathwatch found themselves going up against Nick and his army of Imperial Knights!

I must say, I was not expecting to see an army of 4 Knights this low down in the rankings, and I was certainly not looking forward to the game. My army struggles to deal with vehicles as it is, so four of them with that many wounds and that volume of firepower and combat ability was a daunting task. 

The mission for game 3 was ITC scenario 1- Retrieval. The Eternal War mission was to hold the four retrieval objectives. Two of the objectives would be the two maelstrom objectives for this game. The maelstrom table for this game was:
  1. Hold Maelstrom Objective 1
  2. Hold Maelstrom Objective 2
  3. Have a unit at least partially within 12" of the enemy deployment edge (behind enemy lines)
  4. Destroy an enemy unit
  5. Destroy an enemy unit
  6. Have at least 3 of your and none of your opponent's units in your deployment zone (hold the line)
As with all the ITC mission, you roll 3 dice at the start of your turn to generate 3 unique maelstrom objectives and pick two objectives to score. These can only be scored at the start of your following turn. In addtion, if you roll hold objective 1 and 2, you can exchange them to hold 3 objectives for 3 points. If you roll two lots of destroy an enemy unit, you can exchange it for kill 3 enemy units for 3 points.
The tertiary missions were Big Game Hunter (whoever kills the unit with the highest power level), Linebreaker and Slay the warlord.

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws (W)
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield. (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons (KT5)
Rhino (R)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (VV1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword (DB1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords (DB2)
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers (CB)
Vindicare Assassin (V)

6 Command Points

My Warlord was the Watch Master, who took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Game 2- Deathwatch vs Harlequins

Game 2 of the North West Open tournament would see my Deathwatch take on James and his Harlequin force. James had actually missed his first game due to traffic, but one of the shop staff members had stepped in and secured him a win for game 1. It would be interesting to see how well matched I was with his army in round 2.

The mission for game 2 was ITC scenario 5- Big Guns Never Tire. In this, the primary mission was holding the four objectives and killing Heavy Support choices. Each objective was worth 3 points to whoever controlled it at the end of the game, with each slain Heavy Support choice worth a bonus point.
For the maelstrom mission, each player had two maelstrom objectives (numbered 1 and 2). Each player had to place their maelstrom objective 1 in their own deployment zone and maelstrom objective 2 in their opponent's deployment zone. The maelstrom objective table was as follows:

  1.  Hold maelstrom objective 1 in the enemy deployment zone. 
  2. Hold maelstrom objective 2 in the enemy deployment zone. 
  3. Hold maelstrom objective 1 in your own deployment zone.
  4. Hold maelstrom objective 2 in your own deployment zone.
  5. Destroy an enemy unit
  6. Destroy an enemy unit
As per ITC rules, you could only score maelstrom points generated at the start of your following turn. In addition, if you roll two of 1, 2,3 or 4, you can exchange for hold 3 objectives for 3 points. If you roll up 5 and 6, you can exchange it for kill 3 enemy units for 3 points. 
The tertiary objectives were Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker and Ground Control (control or contest 2 or more objectives at the end of the game). We would be using Front Line assault deployment. I actually ended up on the same table as game 1, so would be familiar with the terrain! 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws (W)
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield. (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons (KT5)
Rhino (R)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (VV1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword (DB1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords (DB2)
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers (CB)
Vindicare Assassin (V)

6 Command Points

My Warlord was the Watch Master, who took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

North West Open 2017: Game 1- Deathwatch vs Tyranids

A few weeks ago, I attended the North West Open tournament at Wargames in Southport. This was an ITC tournament and the first of its kind that I had attended. The tournament took place over 2 days and 5 games, where I would see if my Deathwatch could compete with the other armies in 8th edition. 

The first mission was ITC scenario 3- No Mercy. This mission featured a mixture of maelstrom points and eternal war points with bonuses for tertiary objectives. 

The Eternal war mission was kill points, with points being awarded for each enemy unit destroyed equal to their power level in the index. Maelstrom missions used the ITC maelstrom objective table. In this table, you roll three times at the start of each of your turns to generate three unique maelstrom objectives and choose which two of the options that you rolled you want to try and achieve. For this mission, the table was:
  1. Hold Maelstrom Objective 1
  2. Hold Maelstrom Objective 2
  3. Hold Maelstrom Objective 3
  4. Have more units further than 12" from your deployment table edge than your opponent does from theirs (Advance)
  5. Have a unit at least partially within 12" of the enemy deployment table edge (Hold the Line)
  6. Have at least 3 of your and none of your opponent's units within 12" of your deployment table edge (Behind Enemy Lines). 
What is interesting about ITC maelstrom objectives is that you score them at the beginning of your following turn. For example, if you roll hold maelstrom objective 1 and 2 in turn 1, you have to be holding them at the beginning of your second turn in order to score them. This forces you to plan ahead and can allow your opponent to try to stop you scoring in their turn. In addition, if you roll two hold objective results, you have the option to exchange them to hold all three objectives and score 3 maelstrom points. 
The tertiary objectives were First Strike (destroy a unit in the first turn, both players can score), Slay the Warlord and King of the Hill (have more units/models within 6" of the board centre than your opponent). 

I hadn't played these missions before, so it would be interesting to see how I performed in them in 8th edition. 

My Deathwatch army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Pair Lightning Claws (W)
Kill Team 1- 5 Veterans, Vanguard Veteran with Pair Lightning Claws, 3 Frag Cannons, Storm Shield. (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, 3 Stalker Boltguns (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, Meltagun, 3 combi-Meltas (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons (KT5)
Rhino (R)
Drop Pod- Storm Bolter (DP)
6 Vanguard Veterans- 2 Pairs Lightning Claws, Power Sword and Bolt Pistol, 3 with Bolt Pistols and Chainswords (VV1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- Power Axe, Power Sword (DB1)
3 Deathwatch Bikers- two Power Swords (DB2)
Corvus Blackstar- Auspex Array, Hurricane Bolter, Twin Assault Cannons, 2 Blackstar Rocket Launchers (CB)
Vindicare Assassin (V)

6 Command Points

My Warlord was the Watch Master, who took the Tenacious Survivor warlord trait.

Monday 4 September 2017

Better Know A Blogger: Part 44- SincaiN40K

Today's Better Know A Blogger features Todd Sherman at SincaiN40K

Todd's blog is one of the more recent additions to my blog roll. I followed the blog after seeing the awesome work that he has been carrying out on preparing his Raven Guard army and display board for NOVA (a huge 40k tournament in the US that was just held this past weekend). This features some fantastic light work on the board, and is truly an amazing display

There has also been some great work on his building of a Space Hulk board that should look great when finished. 

Check out his blog for some great hobby content and hopefully some great photos of this year's Nova tournament. 

Here are Todd's answers to my questions:

1. What age did you get into gaming and what started it off?
Games in general or Miniature games? Well I’m child of the 70s and 80s, so I started off with Atari and Arcades. Still remember going with my Dad to pick up the brand new Atari 2600 and Space Invaders and Pac-Man. I upgraded to the Commadore 64 and getting into DnD with some of my friends. That is what got me into fantasy and sci fi. Computer games like Phantasee and Talenguard, plus all of the dice games and, of course Star Wars. Around 89 I started seeing Warhammer pop up at the local comic store my friend worked at and one of my friends started to paint minis. I went over to his house and was chilling while he painted (he was painting Squats by the way) and I was asking him some questions about the models. I’ve always been into art, mostly drawing and ink, but the models caught my interest. He gave me some of his extra colors and I went home ready to give it a shot.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Hobby Sunday 03/09/17- Genestealer Cults Acolyte Hybrids

This week, I have been continuing progress on my Genestealer Cults. I managed to get a second unit of Acolyte Hybrids painted up, completing 6 new models. All that need to be done is finish the bases for the unit to be complete. 

Here are some work in progress shots and the almost completed photos. 

Saturday 2 September 2017

St Andrews Wargaming- On the Move (Again!)

Haven't I just done this?!? Yes, yet again, I will be on the move. I recently got a new job down in Oxford, so will be moving further south later this month to start my new career. 

Fortunately, this is now a permanent job (at least, as permanent as possible in this day and age), so shouldn't have to move again for a while! I'm hoping to get set up with a new gaming club fairly quickly, there are plenty of games of 8th edition still to be played! 

Content may be a bit sparse until I get set up, but fortunately I have a bit of a backlog of battle reports to keep the blog going in the meantime.