After my absolute crushing in Game 1 of the tournament, I found myself banished to table 32 to play Simon and his Necrons, after he had as good a start as I did.
The ETC mission for this game was The Relic as the primary and Spoils of War as the secondary (3 maelstrom cards per turn, you can steal your opponent's secure objective cards).
As a reminder, my army consisted of:
Scarblade Strike Force
Hunting Force
Khan- Moondrakken (with CS)
Command Squad- Bikes, Apothecary, 4 grav guns, 4 storm shields, Banner of the Eagle (CS)
6 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with power axe and meltabombs (BS1)
6 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs (BS2)
Attack Bike- Multimelta (AB)
6 Scout Bikers- 2 Grenades launchers, sergeant with meltabombs and homing beacon (SB)
Stormbringer Squadron
5 Scouts- bolt pistols, combat weapons, sergeant with meltabombs (S1)
Landspeeder Storm- Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher (LS1)
Landspeeder- Multimelta, Typhoon Missile Launcher (L)
Combined Arms Detachment
Chaplain- Bike, Hunter's Eye, Meltabombs (with CS or L2)
5 Scouts- Bolters, sergeant with meltabombs (S2)
Landspeeder Storm- Heavy Bolter, Cerberus Launcher (LS2)
3 Bikers- 2 meltaguns, sergeant with meltabombs (BS3)
3 Centurions- Grav cannons and grav amps, hurricane bolters (C)
Drop Pod (DP)
Stormhawk Interceptor- TL assault cannon, Skyhammer missile launcher, Las-talon (SI)
Khan was my warlord.
Simon's army consisted of:
Necron Decurion Detachment
Reclamation Legion
Overlord- Phase Shifter, The Nightmare Shroud, Warscythe (with WR)
5 Immortals- Tesla Carbine (I)
Night Scythe (NS1)
10 Necron Warriors (W1)
Ghost Ark (GA)
10 Necron Warriors (NW2)
Night Scythe (NS2)
5 Tomb Blades- Nebuloscope, Particle Beamer, Shield Vanes (TB)
Royal Court
Nemesor Zahndrekh (with WR)
Orikan the Diviner (with WR)
Vargard Obyrn (with WR)
Canoptek Harvest
Tomb Spyder (TS)
3 Scarab Bases (S)
5 Wraiths- Whip Coils (WR)
Cullexus Assassin (A)
His warlord trait gave him Zealot. I know how tough a Necron Decurion can be. From previous experience, I knew to avoid the Wraithstar until I had dealt with the Tomb Spyder at least. They would still be incredibly durable (3+ invulnerable save with re-rolls of 1's), but would no longer have re-animation protocols. My plan was to grab the maelstrom objectives and try and go for the Relic as soon as possible. I would try and kill the rest of his army and then deal with the Wraithstar if I had to.
We placed the objectives as shown below:
Simon won the roll for deployment zone. He also won the roll for deployment and chose to go first. The Wraiths and Tomb Blades went in the centre, with the Ghost Ark on his left flank and the Spyder and Scarabs on the right flank.
In response, I deployed the three biker units in the centre, the Command Squad ready to move towards the Relic as fast as possible. I put one Landspeeder Storm on each flank to advance for the objectives, with the 3-man bike squad, attack bike and Landspeeder on the left flank. I infiltrated the Scout Bikers on the left flank. My plan was to use their homing beacon to bring the drop pod in to take out the Tomb Spyder with the Centurions. Simon deployed the Cullexus opposite the Scout Bikers, behind the ruins.
For the Hunting Force, my targets were:
Primary- Overlord
Secondary- Tomb Blades
Tertiary- Wratiths
There was no night fighting. I failed to seize the initiative and I did not do any Scout moves.
This turn, Simon drew Objective 2, Objective 3 and Big Game Hunter (kill an enemy vehicle).
The Tomb Blades advanced on the central ruins, the Wraiths to their right advancing to support them. The nearby Spyder and Scarabs moved up towards the Wraiths, while the Ghost Ark moved up slightly to get in range of the White Scars forces.
The Cullexus fired at the bikers in front of him, but failed to harm the jinking riders.
The Tomb Blades opened fire on the bikers to the right of the Command Squad, killing three of the squad. The squad failed their morale check and fled from the board.
On the left flank, the Ghost Ark and Necron Warriors inside fired at the second unit of 6 Bikers. The combined fire of the unit killed one of the White Scars riders.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Objective 2, one kill point and first blood.
In my first turn, I drew Objective 2, Blood and Guts (kill 3 enemy units in combat) and Ascendancy (hold 2 objectives and at least twice as many as your opponent).
The drop pod carrying the Centurions arrived, crashing to the ground in front of the Assassin. The Command Squad moved to engage the Tomb Blades, the bike squad on the right advancing to assist them. On the right flank, the Scout Bikers moved up on the Assassin, joined by the Landspeeder Storm. The attack bike stayed in position to secure the objective, while the Landspeeder moved to secure another.
In the shooting phase, the Centurions opened fire on the Tomb Spyder, their Grav Cannons wounding it twice and their bolters finishing off the Necron creature. The Landspeeder Storm fired at the Wraiths. The Cerberus Launcher failed to wound or blind the foe, but the heavy bolter succeeded in killing one of the Wraiths.
The bikers on the right fired at the Tomb Blades, wounding them 6 times, but they passed all their Jink saves. The Command Squad fired on the same unit, killing two of the squad. The other Landspeeder Storm fired on the Tomb Blades, killing one more of the squad. The Tomb Blades failed their morale test, falling back 11" towards their deployment zone.
The three-man bike squad fired at the Assassin, the meltagun wounding it once but failing to get past his invulnerable save. The Scout Bikers fired at the Assassin, killing him. The Landspeeder fired on the Wraiths, but failed to cause any wounds.
At the end of my turn, I scored Ascendancy and Objective 2 for 3 maelstrom points and two kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 1, Kill Points 1
White Scars- Maelstrom 3, Kill Points 2
Simon drew Objective 6 to go with Objective 3 and Big Game Hunter.
Both Night Scythes arrived, one moving on each flank. The Tomb Blades rallied, coming to a halt besides the rocky outcrop in the Necron deployment zone.
On the left flank, the Necron Warriors disembarked from the Ghost Ark to secure the objective, their transport turbo-boosting up to secure a second objective. The Wraiths advanced on the Command Squad, the Scarabs moving up to support them.
The Night Scythe on the right flank fired at the Landspeeder Storm in front of it, glancing the jinking vehicle once. The second Night Scythe fired on the other Landspeeder Storm, penetrating it and shaking the vehicle.
The Wraiths assaulted the Command Squad, the overwatch fire of the White Scars proving ineffective against the incorporeal nature of the Necrons. The Wraiths struck at the Command Squad, wounding them 3 times, but failing to get past the armour of the White Scars. The White Scars struck at the Wraiths, the Command Squad managing to wound one of them. The Necron characters were not in range to engage (saving me many casualties I am sure) and I won combat by one. The Command Squad hit and ran away from the Wraiths in the centre of the battlefield.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Objective 3 and Objective 6.
This turn, I drew No Prisoners (kill 3 enemy units), Blood and Guts (kill 3 units in the assault) and Objective 3.
The Command Squad and Landspeeder Storm advanced on the Wraiths, the Scouts leaping out to engage the Necron unit. The other forces on the left flank advanced on the wraiths, while the Scout Bikers moved up to engage the Scarabs. The Stormhawk arrived, moving up towards one of the Night Scythes. On the right flank, the biker unit and Scouts advanced on the Ghost Ark.
The Centurions opened fire on the Wraith unit. The Grav cannons killed one of the Wraiths, while the hurricane bolters wounding the Overlord and wounded Orikan. The Command Squad fired on the unit, killing the Overlord and wounding Orikan with their grav guns.
The three man bike squad and Landspeeder fired at the wraith unit, wounding them once with their combined firepower.
On the right flank, the Grav bikers fired at the Ghost Ark, but failed to cause any damage. The Scout Bikers fired at the Scarabs, killing one of the bases with their bolters and grenade launchers.
In the assault phase, the Scouts and Bikers assaulted the Ghost Ark. The meltabombs of the sergeants in both units blew up the enemy transport, killing one of the bikers in the ensuing explosion.
The Scouts and Command Squad assaulted the Wraiths and attached characters. The Wraiths killed two of the Scouts. The White Scars struck at their foe, but were unable to get past their considerable protection with either their hammer of wrath or regular attacks. The Necron characters struck at the Command Squad, but were unable to get past their storm shields. The Necrons won the combat, the Scouts locking them in while the Command Squad hit and ran from the combat.
At the end of my turn, I scored Blood and Guts and Objective 3, along with two kill points. In writing this up, I noticed that I scored Blood and Guts even though I only killed one unit in the assault. This was an error, but is negated by a similar error made by Simon later in the game, so had no effect on the result of the battle.
Necrons- Maelstrom 3, Kill Points 1
White Scars- Maelstrom 6, Kill Points 4
This turn, Simon drew Hungry for Glory (issue a challenge), Objective 5 and Big Game Hunter.
The power coursing through Orikan came to a peak and the Necron Lord was empowered. The Scarabs advanced on the Scout Bikers, as both Night Scythes left the airspace around the battle.
The Tomb Blades moved up on the Landspeeder Storm in front of them. They opened fire on the enemy skimmer, destroying it.
The Scarabs charged the Scout bikers. The Scouts were unable to harm them with overwatch fire, but caused one wound in combat. In return, the Scarabs killed three of the Scout bikers. The Scouts failed their morale test, fleeing 12" from the combat. The Scarabs consolidated onto the nearby rocks.
In the central combat, the Wraiths finished off the last Scout, while the Sergeant was killed in a challenge.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Big Game Hunter and Hungry for Glory and one kill point.
This turn, I drew Objective 3, Objective 6 and No Prisoners (destroy 3 enemy units).
The Centurions and Landspeeder moved to engage the Scarabs. The Command Squad moved away from the Wraiths, while the three-man bike squad went for the Relic. On the right flank, the Stormhawk and bike squad advanced on the remaining Tomb Blades, while the scouts moved for cover.
The Centurions opened fire on the Scarabs, wiping the unit out with their superior firepower. The Command Squad fired at the Wraiths, killing one of the squad. The Bolters of the squad fired, killing Obyrn. The Landspeeder fired at the unit, wounding Orikan.
The Stormhawk fired at the Tomb Blades, but failed to kill any of the jinking bikers. The Bikers fired at the squad, wounding them twice with their grav guns, but failing to kill any of the squad. The bike squad attempted to assault the Tomb Blades, but failed to make the distance.
At the end of my turn, I scored Simon's Objectives 5, my objective 3 and two kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 5, Kill Points 3
White Scars- Maelstrom 8, Kill Points 6
This turn, Simon drew Overwhelming Firepower (kill 3 units in the shooting phase), Scour the Skies (kill a flyer) and Assassinate (kill a character).
The Night Scythes arrived, one flyer moving on the left flank to engage the White Scars units there. The Necron warriors left the ruins to engage the Bikers in front of them, while the Tomb Blade smoved to secure the objective. The Wraiths moved up on the Command Squad.
The Necron Warriors fired on the bikers, wounding them once but failing to get past their armour. One Night Scythe fired on the Landspeeder, penetrating it 5 times. I passed all my Jink saves thanks to the nearby Landspeeder giving me a 3+ jink save. The other Night Scythe fired at the Speeder, destroying it.
The Wraiths charged the Command Squad, their overwatch proving ineffective. Khan struck at the unit, wounding Nemissor once. The Wraiths struck at the squad, but failed to wound them. The Command Squad and Chaplain struck back, wounding Nemissor once and a Wraith once. Orikan struck at the Chaplain, wounding him 4 times, but his Rosarius saved most of the damage and he took a single wound. The Command Squad hit and ran out of combat.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Overwhelming Firepower (even though he only killed one unit, an error) and my Objective 6. He also scored one kill point and discarded Scour the Skies.
This turn, I drew No Prisoner, Objective 5 and Assassinate.
The bike squad holding the Relic continued to retreat from the Wraiths, while the Command Squad moved to engage the Necron Warriors. The other bike squad went after the Tomb Blades.
The Stormhawk opened fire on a Night Scythe, but failed to cause any damage. The Centurions fired on the Wraith unit, killing the last members of the unit.
The Command Squad fired on the Warriors, killing two of the squad. The grav bikers fired at the Tomb Blades, killing one of the squad.
They charged into the last survivor, killing it with their hammer of wrath attacks.
At the end of my turn, I scored Assassinate and No Prisoners, along with 4 kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 8, Kill Points 4
White Scars- Maelstrom 11, Kill Points 10
This turn, Simon drew Behind Enemy Lines (have a unit in my deployment zone), Supremacy (hold 3 objectives) and Assassinate.
The Night Scythes advanced on the Relic, the two squads inside disembarking to engage the bikers (I did not know they could do this!). The Necron Warriors on the left flank advanced on the warriors.
The Night Scythe fired on the bikers, killing one of the squad. The Immortals and Necron Warriors fired on the bikers, wiping the unit out.
The Necrons charged the bikers, the overwatch fire of the White Scars killing one of the unit. The bikers failed to kill any of the Necrons, while the Necron warriors killed one biker. The White Scars hit and ran from the combat, the Necrons consolidating towards the edge of the battlefield.
At the end of the turn, Simon scored Assassinate and two kill points.
This turn, I drew Big Game Hunter, Hungry for Glory and Scour the Skies.
The White Scars units on the left flank advanced on the Necrons holding the Relic. The bikers on the right advanced on the Necron Warriors.
In the shooting phase, the Command Squad fired on the Warriors, but failed to kill any. The Centurions fired at the Immortals, killing 4 of the squad. The Attack bike fired at the last Immortal, but failed to kill it.
The Scout bikers and Stormhawk fired at the Warriors, killing one of the unit. The Landspeeder Storm fired at the Warriors, but killed one Scout biker after the shot scattered.
The Command Squad attempted to assault the Necron Warriors, needing an 11" charge. I held my breath as I rolled and got a 10! Just short! The Scout Bikers assaulted the Necron warriors, but were unable to wound them.
At the end of my turn, I scored objective 5.
With that, we ran out of time and the game was over. The Necron warriors captured the Relic thanks to being objective secured for 6 victory points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 9, Kill Points 5
White Scars- Maelstrom 12, Kill Points 11
Simon scored 16 victory points overall, while I scored 20 points overall, giving me a win. I scored 12 tournament points to Simon's 8 tournament points.
Thanks to Simon for an exciting and very tense game, it did come right down to the buzzer. I seriously thought that he had won after capturing the Relic in the final turn, but after totalling up the points, I managed to grab a narrow win in the end.
I think that the game went pretty well for me and there is not too much I would change.
Dealing with the Tomb Spyder early on was key, as it made the Wraiths and Scarabs easier to kill. I was actually surprised that I managed to kill off the Wraithstar unit. I think that the re-rolls from the Hunting Force and some terrible saving throws from Simon were key to this.
I was unaware that the Warriors and Immortals could disembark from the Night Scythe if it moved over 6". Had I known this, I probably would have kept the Command Squad near the Relic in order to block them from getting into rapid fire range or to charge them the following turn.
It was a great game and Simon was a great sport. I was now on one win and one loss and eager to see who I would be playing in game 3.
EDIT- Innes reminded me in the comments below that the Necron Warriors were not objective secured as they were in the Decurion. I forgot about this and the Necrons should not have claimed the Relic as I had other units in range to contest it. This is really annoying as it meant I would have won the game 15 to 5. Annoyingly, I asked if the Warriors and Immortals were troops and objective secured and was told by Simon that they were. At least I still won the game, I would have been really pissed off if I had lost thanks to that.
Caledonian Revolution 2016
Game 1- White Scars vs Tau/Grey Knights
Game 2- White Scars vs Necrons
Game 3- White Scars vs Dark Angels
Game 4- White Scars vs Imperial Knights/Space Marines
Game 5- White Scars vs Tyranids
Khan was my warlord.
Simon's army consisted of:
Necron Decurion Detachment
Reclamation Legion
Overlord- Phase Shifter, The Nightmare Shroud, Warscythe (with WR)
5 Immortals- Tesla Carbine (I)
Night Scythe (NS1)
10 Necron Warriors (W1)
Ghost Ark (GA)
10 Necron Warriors (NW2)
Night Scythe (NS2)
5 Tomb Blades- Nebuloscope, Particle Beamer, Shield Vanes (TB)
Royal Court
Nemesor Zahndrekh (with WR)
Orikan the Diviner (with WR)
Vargard Obyrn (with WR)
Canoptek Harvest
Tomb Spyder (TS)
3 Scarab Bases (S)
5 Wraiths- Whip Coils (WR)
Cullexus Assassin (A)
His warlord trait gave him Zealot. I know how tough a Necron Decurion can be. From previous experience, I knew to avoid the Wraithstar until I had dealt with the Tomb Spyder at least. They would still be incredibly durable (3+ invulnerable save with re-rolls of 1's), but would no longer have re-animation protocols. My plan was to grab the maelstrom objectives and try and go for the Relic as soon as possible. I would try and kill the rest of his army and then deal with the Wraithstar if I had to.
We placed the objectives as shown below:
Simon won the roll for deployment zone. He also won the roll for deployment and chose to go first. The Wraiths and Tomb Blades went in the centre, with the Ghost Ark on his left flank and the Spyder and Scarabs on the right flank.
In response, I deployed the three biker units in the centre, the Command Squad ready to move towards the Relic as fast as possible. I put one Landspeeder Storm on each flank to advance for the objectives, with the 3-man bike squad, attack bike and Landspeeder on the left flank. I infiltrated the Scout Bikers on the left flank. My plan was to use their homing beacon to bring the drop pod in to take out the Tomb Spyder with the Centurions. Simon deployed the Cullexus opposite the Scout Bikers, behind the ruins.
![]() |
Deployment. The Relic is shown in red in the centre. |
For the Hunting Force, my targets were:
Primary- Overlord
Secondary- Tomb Blades
Tertiary- Wratiths
There was no night fighting. I failed to seize the initiative and I did not do any Scout moves.
This turn, Simon drew Objective 2, Objective 3 and Big Game Hunter (kill an enemy vehicle).
The Tomb Blades advanced on the central ruins, the Wraiths to their right advancing to support them. The nearby Spyder and Scarabs moved up towards the Wraiths, while the Ghost Ark moved up slightly to get in range of the White Scars forces.
The Cullexus fired at the bikers in front of him, but failed to harm the jinking riders.
The Tomb Blades opened fire on the bikers to the right of the Command Squad, killing three of the squad. The squad failed their morale check and fled from the board.
On the left flank, the Ghost Ark and Necron Warriors inside fired at the second unit of 6 Bikers. The combined fire of the unit killed one of the White Scars riders.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Objective 2, one kill point and first blood.
In my first turn, I drew Objective 2, Blood and Guts (kill 3 enemy units in combat) and Ascendancy (hold 2 objectives and at least twice as many as your opponent).
The drop pod carrying the Centurions arrived, crashing to the ground in front of the Assassin. The Command Squad moved to engage the Tomb Blades, the bike squad on the right advancing to assist them. On the right flank, the Scout Bikers moved up on the Assassin, joined by the Landspeeder Storm. The attack bike stayed in position to secure the objective, while the Landspeeder moved to secure another.
In the shooting phase, the Centurions opened fire on the Tomb Spyder, their Grav Cannons wounding it twice and their bolters finishing off the Necron creature. The Landspeeder Storm fired at the Wraiths. The Cerberus Launcher failed to wound or blind the foe, but the heavy bolter succeeded in killing one of the Wraiths.
The bikers on the right fired at the Tomb Blades, wounding them 6 times, but they passed all their Jink saves. The Command Squad fired on the same unit, killing two of the squad. The other Landspeeder Storm fired on the Tomb Blades, killing one more of the squad. The Tomb Blades failed their morale test, falling back 11" towards their deployment zone.
The three-man bike squad fired at the Assassin, the meltagun wounding it once but failing to get past his invulnerable save. The Scout Bikers fired at the Assassin, killing him. The Landspeeder fired on the Wraiths, but failed to cause any wounds.
At the end of my turn, I scored Ascendancy and Objective 2 for 3 maelstrom points and two kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 1, Kill Points 1
White Scars- Maelstrom 3, Kill Points 2
Simon drew Objective 6 to go with Objective 3 and Big Game Hunter.
Both Night Scythes arrived, one moving on each flank. The Tomb Blades rallied, coming to a halt besides the rocky outcrop in the Necron deployment zone.
On the left flank, the Necron Warriors disembarked from the Ghost Ark to secure the objective, their transport turbo-boosting up to secure a second objective. The Wraiths advanced on the Command Squad, the Scarabs moving up to support them.
The Night Scythe on the right flank fired at the Landspeeder Storm in front of it, glancing the jinking vehicle once. The second Night Scythe fired on the other Landspeeder Storm, penetrating it and shaking the vehicle.
The Wraiths assaulted the Command Squad, the overwatch fire of the White Scars proving ineffective against the incorporeal nature of the Necrons. The Wraiths struck at the Command Squad, wounding them 3 times, but failing to get past the armour of the White Scars. The White Scars struck at the Wraiths, the Command Squad managing to wound one of them. The Necron characters were not in range to engage (saving me many casualties I am sure) and I won combat by one. The Command Squad hit and ran away from the Wraiths in the centre of the battlefield.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Objective 3 and Objective 6.
This turn, I drew No Prisoners (kill 3 enemy units), Blood and Guts (kill 3 units in the assault) and Objective 3.
The Command Squad and Landspeeder Storm advanced on the Wraiths, the Scouts leaping out to engage the Necron unit. The other forces on the left flank advanced on the wraiths, while the Scout Bikers moved up to engage the Scarabs. The Stormhawk arrived, moving up towards one of the Night Scythes. On the right flank, the biker unit and Scouts advanced on the Ghost Ark.
The Centurions opened fire on the Wraith unit. The Grav cannons killed one of the Wraiths, while the hurricane bolters wounding the Overlord and wounded Orikan. The Command Squad fired on the unit, killing the Overlord and wounding Orikan with their grav guns.
The three man bike squad and Landspeeder fired at the wraith unit, wounding them once with their combined firepower.
On the right flank, the Grav bikers fired at the Ghost Ark, but failed to cause any damage. The Scout Bikers fired at the Scarabs, killing one of the bases with their bolters and grenade launchers.
In the assault phase, the Scouts and Bikers assaulted the Ghost Ark. The meltabombs of the sergeants in both units blew up the enemy transport, killing one of the bikers in the ensuing explosion.
The Scouts and Command Squad assaulted the Wraiths and attached characters. The Wraiths killed two of the Scouts. The White Scars struck at their foe, but were unable to get past their considerable protection with either their hammer of wrath or regular attacks. The Necron characters struck at the Command Squad, but were unable to get past their storm shields. The Necrons won the combat, the Scouts locking them in while the Command Squad hit and ran from the combat.
At the end of my turn, I scored Blood and Guts and Objective 3, along with two kill points. In writing this up, I noticed that I scored Blood and Guts even though I only killed one unit in the assault. This was an error, but is negated by a similar error made by Simon later in the game, so had no effect on the result of the battle.
Necrons- Maelstrom 3, Kill Points 1
White Scars- Maelstrom 6, Kill Points 4
This turn, Simon drew Hungry for Glory (issue a challenge), Objective 5 and Big Game Hunter.
The power coursing through Orikan came to a peak and the Necron Lord was empowered. The Scarabs advanced on the Scout Bikers, as both Night Scythes left the airspace around the battle.
The Tomb Blades moved up on the Landspeeder Storm in front of them. They opened fire on the enemy skimmer, destroying it.
The Scarabs charged the Scout bikers. The Scouts were unable to harm them with overwatch fire, but caused one wound in combat. In return, the Scarabs killed three of the Scout bikers. The Scouts failed their morale test, fleeing 12" from the combat. The Scarabs consolidated onto the nearby rocks.
In the central combat, the Wraiths finished off the last Scout, while the Sergeant was killed in a challenge.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Big Game Hunter and Hungry for Glory and one kill point.
This turn, I drew Objective 3, Objective 6 and No Prisoners (destroy 3 enemy units).
The Centurions and Landspeeder moved to engage the Scarabs. The Command Squad moved away from the Wraiths, while the three-man bike squad went for the Relic. On the right flank, the Stormhawk and bike squad advanced on the remaining Tomb Blades, while the scouts moved for cover.
The Centurions opened fire on the Scarabs, wiping the unit out with their superior firepower. The Command Squad fired at the Wraiths, killing one of the squad. The Bolters of the squad fired, killing Obyrn. The Landspeeder fired at the unit, wounding Orikan.
The Stormhawk fired at the Tomb Blades, but failed to kill any of the jinking bikers. The Bikers fired at the squad, wounding them twice with their grav guns, but failing to kill any of the squad. The bike squad attempted to assault the Tomb Blades, but failed to make the distance.
At the end of my turn, I scored Simon's Objectives 5, my objective 3 and two kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 5, Kill Points 3
White Scars- Maelstrom 8, Kill Points 6
This turn, Simon drew Overwhelming Firepower (kill 3 units in the shooting phase), Scour the Skies (kill a flyer) and Assassinate (kill a character).
The Night Scythes arrived, one flyer moving on the left flank to engage the White Scars units there. The Necron warriors left the ruins to engage the Bikers in front of them, while the Tomb Blade smoved to secure the objective. The Wraiths moved up on the Command Squad.
The Necron Warriors fired on the bikers, wounding them once but failing to get past their armour. One Night Scythe fired on the Landspeeder, penetrating it 5 times. I passed all my Jink saves thanks to the nearby Landspeeder giving me a 3+ jink save. The other Night Scythe fired at the Speeder, destroying it.
The Wraiths charged the Command Squad, their overwatch proving ineffective. Khan struck at the unit, wounding Nemissor once. The Wraiths struck at the squad, but failed to wound them. The Command Squad and Chaplain struck back, wounding Nemissor once and a Wraith once. Orikan struck at the Chaplain, wounding him 4 times, but his Rosarius saved most of the damage and he took a single wound. The Command Squad hit and ran out of combat.
At the end of his turn, Simon scored Overwhelming Firepower (even though he only killed one unit, an error) and my Objective 6. He also scored one kill point and discarded Scour the Skies.
This turn, I drew No Prisoner, Objective 5 and Assassinate.
The bike squad holding the Relic continued to retreat from the Wraiths, while the Command Squad moved to engage the Necron Warriors. The other bike squad went after the Tomb Blades.
The Stormhawk opened fire on a Night Scythe, but failed to cause any damage. The Centurions fired on the Wraith unit, killing the last members of the unit.
The Command Squad fired on the Warriors, killing two of the squad. The grav bikers fired at the Tomb Blades, killing one of the squad.
They charged into the last survivor, killing it with their hammer of wrath attacks.
At the end of my turn, I scored Assassinate and No Prisoners, along with 4 kill points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 8, Kill Points 4
White Scars- Maelstrom 11, Kill Points 10
This turn, Simon drew Behind Enemy Lines (have a unit in my deployment zone), Supremacy (hold 3 objectives) and Assassinate.
The Night Scythes advanced on the Relic, the two squads inside disembarking to engage the bikers (I did not know they could do this!). The Necron Warriors on the left flank advanced on the warriors.
The Night Scythe fired on the bikers, killing one of the squad. The Immortals and Necron Warriors fired on the bikers, wiping the unit out.
The Necrons charged the bikers, the overwatch fire of the White Scars killing one of the unit. The bikers failed to kill any of the Necrons, while the Necron warriors killed one biker. The White Scars hit and ran from the combat, the Necrons consolidating towards the edge of the battlefield.
At the end of the turn, Simon scored Assassinate and two kill points.
This turn, I drew Big Game Hunter, Hungry for Glory and Scour the Skies.
The White Scars units on the left flank advanced on the Necrons holding the Relic. The bikers on the right advanced on the Necron Warriors.
In the shooting phase, the Command Squad fired on the Warriors, but failed to kill any. The Centurions fired at the Immortals, killing 4 of the squad. The Attack bike fired at the last Immortal, but failed to kill it.
The Scout bikers and Stormhawk fired at the Warriors, killing one of the unit. The Landspeeder Storm fired at the Warriors, but killed one Scout biker after the shot scattered.
The Command Squad attempted to assault the Necron Warriors, needing an 11" charge. I held my breath as I rolled and got a 10! Just short! The Scout Bikers assaulted the Necron warriors, but were unable to wound them.
At the end of my turn, I scored objective 5.
With that, we ran out of time and the game was over. The Necron warriors captured the Relic thanks to being objective secured for 6 victory points.
Necrons- Maelstrom 9, Kill Points 5
White Scars- Maelstrom 12, Kill Points 11
Simon scored 16 victory points overall, while I scored 20 points overall, giving me a win. I scored 12 tournament points to Simon's 8 tournament points.
Thanks to Simon for an exciting and very tense game, it did come right down to the buzzer. I seriously thought that he had won after capturing the Relic in the final turn, but after totalling up the points, I managed to grab a narrow win in the end.
I think that the game went pretty well for me and there is not too much I would change.
Dealing with the Tomb Spyder early on was key, as it made the Wraiths and Scarabs easier to kill. I was actually surprised that I managed to kill off the Wraithstar unit. I think that the re-rolls from the Hunting Force and some terrible saving throws from Simon were key to this.
I was unaware that the Warriors and Immortals could disembark from the Night Scythe if it moved over 6". Had I known this, I probably would have kept the Command Squad near the Relic in order to block them from getting into rapid fire range or to charge them the following turn.
It was a great game and Simon was a great sport. I was now on one win and one loss and eager to see who I would be playing in game 3.
EDIT- Innes reminded me in the comments below that the Necron Warriors were not objective secured as they were in the Decurion. I forgot about this and the Necrons should not have claimed the Relic as I had other units in range to contest it. This is really annoying as it meant I would have won the game 15 to 5. Annoyingly, I asked if the Warriors and Immortals were troops and objective secured and was told by Simon that they were. At least I still won the game, I would have been really pissed off if I had lost thanks to that.
Caledonian Revolution 2016
Game 1- White Scars vs Tau/Grey Knights
Game 2- White Scars vs Necrons
Game 3- White Scars vs Dark Angels
Game 4- White Scars vs Imperial Knights/Space Marines
Game 5- White Scars vs Tyranids
Another good report write up, cheers. This battle was a little closer eh? ;)
ReplyDeleteYes, much closer and a much more enjoyable game.
DeleteWere all the warriors in a Decurion? If so, then they aren't ObSec
ReplyDeleteDamn! I never even realised that! The game should have ended 15 to 5 as I would have been contesting it.
DeleteSounded like a gooden but seemed that the stormhawk was lackluster or was it just bad luck? We're you guys using new flyer rules for this?
ReplyDeleteYes, we were using Death from the Skies. The Stormhawk was pretty lacklustre in all of my games to be honest.
DeleteIt sounds like flyers are lessening at tourneys. Was that the case or were there a lot of them there?
DeleteI didn't see too many, I only came up against the two in this game the whole two days.
DeleteNicely done. Necrons are tough customers even when they are keeping all their Rules straight. That ability to Disembark from Zooming Night Scythes lets them pull off some really nasty tricks, and can really catch people off guard if they don't know about it.
ReplyDeleteTrivia Time: "Nemesor"is actually a title, equivalent to "General" or something. His name is just Zahndrekh. Even a lot of Necron Players don't know that.
I think that disembarking should force them to snap fire (not only if they move over the required distance). It is a huge bonus and makes the flyer incredibly useful.
DeleteThanks for the useful Trivia, I'm not going to go back and change it though! ;)
Interesting bit of trivia, I like!
DeleteAw man that sucks with the decurion warriors! I mean, there are a lot of rules to keep track of in 40K, but something like that isn't exactly minor - he really should've known that they're not obsec!
ReplyDeletegood report.
ReplyDeletepeople not knowing their own codex rules is a pain. i lost a tournament win because a chaos marine player forgot that he had to accept challenges and so i missed out on some important VPs.
not knowing what other armies do is unfortunately something that you just have to learn. a great excuse for more games! one thing i do a lot is ask questions during the game. what do they do, how far can it move....any special rules i should be aware of?
I knew that the Decurion are not objective secured (it's the only reason I beat them in most games!), but for some reason it never occurred to me during the game. I was convinced that I had to kill both units to claim the Relic, don't ask me why.