Thursday 14 April 2016

St Andrews Wargaming- One Year Old!

Today, St Andrews Wargaming turns one year old! It feels like I've been writing for a lot longer than a year, but not in a bad way.

Thanks to everyone who reads the blog, especially those that take the time to comment on my posts. I hope to continue writing as long as anyone is reading (and even then, maybe beyond!).

Remember to check out my One Year Old Giveaway, where you can win a FREE Space Marine Battle Demi-Company!

Join me tomorrow as I do some number crunching and break down some of my stats from the previous year.


  1. Happy blog-day!
    If I do happen to win the giveaway, I've got a nasty little plan for a Raven Guard style list - I'm sure you'd be interested in seeing it!

  2. Happy blog b-day Mike! I'm interested to see your numbers! I imagine your Dark Angel reviews will be right up there and I hope your battle reports get as many views as they deserve :) here's to the next year!

  3. Congratulations, many happy returns, here's to the terrible two's! :)

  4. Happy blog day. Has it only been a year? Blimey. Here's to another year of great content :)

  5. congrats on the one year mark and look forward to the stats, I always find it interesting when I look at mine!

  6. Thanks everyone for all your comments, today and throughout the past year!

  7. Thanks everyone for all your comments, today and throughout the past year!

  8. Happy blog-day! I'm sure there will be many more :-) I decided not to enter your competition, as I already have a full company worth of marines unpainted in the garage! Hopefully it gives some new guy or girl a kick-start :-)
