Monday 19 March 2018

Hobby Update 19/03/18- Genestealer Cult Sentinels WIP

Today's Hobby Update features some work in progress on my Genestealer Cults Scout Sentinels. 

I had previously done some work on these models, but they had taken a back seat recently as I worked on painting some reinforcements for my White Scars. 

I have now completed the two Sentinels, with just the drivers to complete.

Based on some previous feedback, I decided to change the colour of the searchlights from orange to blue. I think this looks a lot better on the model and helps tie it in to the rest of the force. 

I am going to get the two drivers painted up along with some other Neophyte Hybrids I have to paint. 


  1. Nice work; you capture a great industrial look hear that fits the cult in my opinion.

  2. I do like the blue searchlight. I have had some success doing them Shadow Gray/bluey gray as well. Bravo :-)

    1. Cheers Marc! Yeah, sometimes readers see things you don't and can help improve your models. One of the benefits of the blog I guess (on top of the worldwide fame and women throwing themselves at you, of course).

  3. Looking very well, they will be a good fit.

    1. Thanks, Rory! I'm looking forward to getting the army finished and moving on to a new project.
