Friday 18 August 2023

3D-printed Ork terrain

This week, I have some 3D-printed Ork terrain that I painted up for the Ork board at the gaming club. These were a really nice set that I ordered off ebay, which were a good quality print with little clean up required. I painted these up in a similar style to the GW Ork ruins. 

First was a basecoat of a dark brown. Then I painted in the coloured sections with acrylic paints, using green, black, blue and red sections. After that, I used Ryza rust in various sections, then drybrushed it with Leadbelcher to finish it off. 


  1. I like this set, it seems to work well with the GW kits. Very orky. Still, I kind of miss the adobe huts from 1st-2nd edition.

    1. Yeah, it fits with the other sets very well, but adds some much needed height to the GW ones.


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  3. These look awesome, love the rust effects you've achieved. Also noted, but you'll hopefully get rid of them soon, but we're sharing the same spam bots on our comments. Just had a few from Sharon, no doubt I'll get some from norah shortly. Still annoys me that you can't report individual blogger accounts for spamming.

    1. Thanks Dave! The rust effect was Ryza Rust from GW, I think it works really well and is easy to use.
      Yeah, the spamming comments have become absolutely ridiculous lately. Most of them get flagged, but a few are creeping through.
