Thursday 17 September 2015

GW Aberdeen Double Tournament- Armies on Display

While at the Clan Clash doubles tournament at GW Aberdeen, I got the chance to take photos of some of their amazing gaming tables that we were playing on, as well as photos of some of the armies being used on the day and in the cabinets at the store.
Gaming Tables

Great Chaos Knight.

Another amazing Chaos Knight and display diorama.



  1. Wow! Thanks for the photos corrm! Holy @#!$)&! that chaos knight with the triple daemon cannons on his back is amazing!

    1. Yeah, it was an amazing army in person. He ended up winning the best display on the day for his diorama (well deserved!).

  2. Amazing look store and from the sounds of your three battle reports an amazing tournament!!

    Its a shame its so far away from myself I would love to get a game in with you on these tables.

    The staff sound like everything that is right about the hobby with lots of fun sounding custom stuff going on, and despite your shortness for time some great battle reports :)

    1. I was blown away by how awesome the store was, a lot of gaming tables in a really nice setting. The staff were amazing too, the whole day went really smoothly and was a lot of fun. I'll be keeping an eye out for their next event.

      I've often thought (if I had the time of money) to do a blog tour, where I get games against all the bloggers that I read and comment on. Would be a lot of fun. Maybe some time down the line.

  3. That arctic board looks particularly awesome. I'd love something like that for my SW and Tau to battle over.

    1. Yeah, some amazing boards there. Pity the store is not closer to me, I'd be there all the time.
