Wednesday 17 July 2024

Mystic Games RTT: Game 3- World Eaters vs Chaos Knights

Game 3 of the recent Mystic Games RTT would see my World Eaters take on Dan's Chaos Knights. The mission was Scorched Earth, with Crucible of Battle deployment and an extra objective.  

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

George's army consisted of:
Knight Lancer- Aura of Terror
4 War Dog Brigands
2 War Dog Huntsman
2 War Dog Karnivores
3 Nurglings

Thursday 11 July 2024

Mystic Games RTT: Game 2- World Eaters vs Chaos Knights

Game 2 of the recent Mystic Games RTT would see my World Eaters take on George's Chaos Knights. The mission was Purge the Foe, with Crucible of Battle deployment. 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

George's army consisted of:
War Dog Stalker- Aura of Terror
4 War Dog Brigands
5 War Dog Karnivores
3 Nurglings
10 Plaguebearers

Monday 8 July 2024

Mystic Games RTT: Game 1- World Eaters vs Orks

I recently attended a 34-player RTT, held by Mystic Games in Witney. Game 1 saw my World Eaters take on Scott's Dread Mob Orks. The mission was Take and Hold, with Hammer and Anvil deployment and hidden supplies (extra objective). 

This tournament took place after the recent balance update, so those rules were in effect. However, the event was still using the Leviathan missions, as it was held very close to the release of the new missions cards and they couldn't guarantee that everyone could get a set in time.  

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

I had made a couple of changes since the last tournament list thanks to the points drops in the recent dataslate. I was able to drop a unit of Eightbound, which gave me enough points to take Kharn and a second Rhino for the 5-man squad. 

I like the Berzerkers, but the 5-man didn't really do a lot in my previous games. They don't have the damage output on their own, but are good for holding objectives. Adding Kharn would seriously boost their damage output, and the extra Rhino would be good for keeping them safe and getting them around the battlefield. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Winchester Tournament: Game 3- World Eaters vs Grey Knights

Game 3 of the recent Winchester Tournament saw my World Eaters take on Dan's Grey Knights in Take and Hold with Search and Destroy deployment (with Hidden Supplies extra objective). 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

Monday 24 June 2024

Terrain Showcase- Corrupted Land Nurgle Infestation

I recently completed another board for Didcot Wargames Club. This board was themed to fit in with the corrupted land gaming mat from pwork wargames. The terrain was a set of 3D-printed ruins, with some tentacles and corruption oozing out of the walls.

I undercoated the walls brown, followed by painting some burnt sienna on the brickwork. The walls were then given a highlight of a lighter tan colour. The corruption was basecoated with sap green, then given a highlight drybrush of a mix of sap green and white. 
I then added some fluorescent green paint, followed by a mix of the fluorescent green and yellow. 

The ruins work well in the GW tournament format, with acrylic bases to simulate the area of the ruins. 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Winchester Tournament: Game 2- World Eaters vs Death Guard

Game 2 of the tournament would see my World Eaters take on John's Death Guard. The mission was Priority Targets with Dawn of War deployment, with the Sweep and Clear special rule. 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

Monday 17 June 2024

Winchester Tournament: Game 1- World Eaters vs Tyranids

I recently attend a one-day tournament in Winchester, taking my World Eaters for the three games. This event featured some custom terrain layouts, the first time I had tried them. 

Game 1 was against Charles and his Tyranids, playing Scorched Earth on sweeping engagement, with the Supply Drop special rule. 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

Thursday 13 June 2024

Battle Report- World Eaters vs Votaan

This week's game sees the World Eaters take on the Leagues of Votaan in a 2000 pts UKTC game. After a random draw of the cards, we were playing Priority Targets on Search and Destroy, with secret intel (can draw an extra secondary card). 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

A very similar list to the last game, but this time I switched out a unit of Eightbound for the Maulerfiend. I had recently picked one up and wanted to try it out. I think the tougher body and high damage attacks should prove to be useful in the army, and give my opponent another target other than Angron to think about. 

Monday 10 June 2024

Terrain Showcase- Warcry Heart of Ghur Terrain

This week, I have some new terrain to use for Age of Sigmar at the club. I've had some of these warcry sets for a while now, and finally got round to painting them up. This scheme was based on the tutorial from Tale of Painters, which is a great resource for paint schemes for warcry terrain. 

These boards can be used for Age of Sigmar or Warcry, and go well with the corrupted earth gaming mat that we have. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Battle Report- World Eaters vs Adeptus Custodes

This week, my World Eaters faced off against Simon's Custodes army in our Didcot Wargames Club league battle. 
The World Eaters were currently undefeated, so was hoping to get another win against the golden boys. 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Execution (Berserker Glaive)
10 Berzerkers
5 Berzerkers
10 Jackals
10 Jackals
2 Spawn
3 Eightbound
3 Eightbound
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound

A slightly different mix of units, as I had added another unit of Eightbound to the army.