Game 6 of Hero for a Day was another doubles game. This time, I was paired up with Rob (of 30Kplus40K fame) and his amazing Death Company Blood Angels army. We would be facing Jack with his Sisters of Battle and James with his Chaos Space Marines.
This mission was "Ambush". Rob and I would need to deploy in the centre of the board, at least 12" from all four table sides. The Attackers (Jack and James) would then deploy second, within 12" of any board edge. For this game, victory points were awarded for each unit destroyed; HQ units were worth 3 pts. Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support units were worth 2 points each, Troops were worth 1 point each. The secondary objectives were Slay the Warlord and First Strike (like First Blood, but could be scored by both players, but only on turn 1).
My army consisted of:
Khan- Moondrakkan (with B3)
5 Bikers- Meltabombs, 2 Grav Guns (B1)
5 Bikers- Meltabombs, 2 Grav Guns (B2)
5 Bikers- Meltabombs, 2 Meltaguns (B2)
6 Scout Bikers- Meltabombs, 2 Grenade Launchers (SB)
5 Scouts- Bolters, Meltabombs (S)
Landspeeder Storm (LS)
Khan is my warlord and gave me Scout.
Rob's army consisted of:
Sanguinary Priest- Jump Pack, Valour's Edge (with DC1)
5 Death Company- Power Sword, Power Fist, Hand Flamer (DC1)
5 Death Company- Power Sword, Power Fist, Hand Flamer (DC2)
5 Death Company- Power Sword, Power Fist, Hand Flamer (DC3)
5 Death Company- Power Sword, Power Fist, Hand Flamer (DC3)
Cassor the Damned (C)
Drop Pod- Deathwind Missile Launcher (DP)
Rob's Warlord trait was Night Attacker, giving us Night Fight on turn 1.
Jack's army consisted of:
Saint Celestine (SC)
5 Battle Sisters- Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Combi-flamer (BS1)
Rhino (R1)
5 Battle Sisters- Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Combi-flamer (BS2)
Rhino (R2)
5 Dominion- 4 Meltaguns, combi-melta (D)
Immolator (I)
Exorcist- Storm Bolter (E1)
Exorcist- Storm Bolter (E2)
His warlord trait gave him Stealth (Ruins) and Move Through Cover (Ruins).
James' army consisted of:
Aspiring Champion- Jump Pack (with R)
10 Chaos Space Marines- 2 Meltaguns, Veterans of the Long War, Sergeant with Power Sword, Combi-melta and Meltabombs (CM2)
Rhino (R3)
10 Chaos Space Marines- Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun, Veterans of the Long War (CM1)
5 Raptors- Plasma pistol, Power sword, Meltabombs (R)
5 Havocs- 2 Autocannons, 2 Missile Launchers (H)
His warlord trait gave his Warlord Fear (not much use against our armies).
Jack and James won the roll for deployment and chose to go first. They put one Exorcist on each side of the table. On the bottom edge, they deployed a unit of Chaos Space Marines and the Raptors (led by the Champion). On the other side, they put the Havocs and Sisters and Chaos Transports.
Rob and I had to deploy first. After discussing our options, we decided to deploy entirely on one side of the board. I kept my Landspeeder Storm in reserve, but other than that, everything went on the right flank. Our plan was to take out one flank with our massed forces, then use our mobility to attack the other elements of the enemy army. We decided to focus on what we thought to be the weaker section, the Raptors and Chaos Marines.
We rolled to seize the initiative and got a 6! This was huge for us as we were in prime position for some first turn charges.
The Drop Pod carrying Cassor the Damned arrived, landing on the left flank next to the Exorcist. On the right flank, the White Scars bikers and Blood Angels advanced on the Chaos Space Marines and second Exorcist.
Cassor fired on the Exorcist, penetrating the vehicle and forcing it to snap fire next turn.
In the shooting phase, the Meltagun bikers fired on the Exorcist. A double 1 to hit put paid to their efforts to take out the Sisters' tank. On the South facing, the Bikers and Scout Bikers fired on the Chaos Space Marines in the trench, killing 7 of the squad. The Squad failed their morale test, falling back slightly, but not enough to flee the battlefield.
Khan's unit and the Blood Angels fired on the Raptors, killing the Aspiring Champion with their grav guns and Bolters.
In the assault phase, the Scout Bikers assaulted the remnants of the Marine squad. The Bikers crashed into the Chaos marines, wounding them twice with their hammer of wrath attacks, but failed to kill any of their foe. The Scout Bikers struck at the Chaos Marines, wounding them twice, but again failing to get past their armour. The Scouts lost the combat and failed their morale check, fleeing from the board. That was not supposed to happen!
The Death Company assaulted the Exorcist, destroying the enemy vehicle easily.
The second Death Company unit assaulted the Raptors, easily destroying the squad in combat.
The Sisters of Battle and Chaos transports advanced on the enemy forces, one unit of Dominion moving to engage the Cassor the Damned.
The Tactical Marines fired at the grav bikers in front of them, wounding them three times, but failing to bring down any of the bikers. The Havocs added their firepower against the unit, but again, none of the White Scars fell.
The Dominion fired at the Blood Angels Dreadnought, blowing up the enemy vehicle. The Exorcist fired at the drop pod, but failed to hit it with its snap shots.
At the end of turn 1, things were going well for Rob and myself. We had pretty much taken care of one flank and could now turn our attentions to the rest of the forces.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 9
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 5
The Landspeeder Storm arrived, outflanking on the left to engage the Dominion. One unit of Deathwatch moved to engage the Chaos Space Marines left in the squad, while the rest of the army advanced on the Havocs.
In the shooting phase, the drop pod fired at the Dominion, killing two of the squad. The Landspeeder Storm and Scouts fired at the squad, killing another two of the Battle Sisters. The squad passed their morale test.
The White Scars fired at the Havocs, killing two with their grav guns. The Death Company fired on the Chaos Space Marine squad, killing one with their Bolt Pistols.
The Death Company then assaulted the squad, easily wiping them out in combat.
The Rhinos continued their advance on the Imperial lines. The lone Dominion moved up to engage the Landspeeder Storm.
The Dominon fired at the Landspeeder Storm, but failed to hit the enemy vehicle. The Immolator fired at the skimmer, but missed the vehicle. The Exorcist fired at the White Scars' vehicle, glancing it once. A nearby Rhino also added its firepower, but failed to cause any harm.
The Havocs fired at the nearby bikers, wounding them once, but failing to harm the Jinking bikers. A Rhino fired at the Death Company, killing one of the squad.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 10
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 5
The third Death Company squad arrived, moving on near the Bastion. The Scouts disembarked from the Landspeeder Storm to engage the Exorcist, while the White Scars moved up on the Havocs.
The Landspeeder Storm fired at the lone Dominion, but failed to hit. The Death Company fired at the Rhino in front of them, but failed to cause any harm.
The Bike squad led by Khan and the Meltagun unit fired at the Havocs, killing two of the squad. The third unit of Bikers fired at the nearby Rhino, but failed to cause any damage.
In the assault phase, Khan attempted to lead his unit in an assault on the lone Havoc, but failed to make the distance. The Death Company charged the second Rhino, easily wrecking it with their attacks. The Scouts assaulted the Exorcist tank. The sergeant's meltabombs penetrated the vehicle, but its 6+ invulnerable save blocked the damage.
The Sisters of Battle advanced on the Death Company that had destroyed their transport, while the Chaos Marines moved to engage the second unit. The other Battle Sisters advanced on the White Scars Scouts.
The Chaos Marines fired at the Death Company, killing three of the squad with their meltaguns. The Sisters of Battle fired their flamers at the second squad of Death Company, wiping the whole squad out with their flamers.
On the right flank, the Battle Sisters killed 4 of the Scouts with their flamers, the lone survivor fled the battlefield. The lone Dominion fired at the Landspeeder Storm, blowing it up with her meltagun. The Immolator fired at the Drop Pod, blowing it up with its Multi-melta. The resulting explosion killed one of the nearby Battle Sisters.
The Exorcist fired at a nearby Bike Squad, killing two of the bikers with its missiles.
In the assault phase, Saint Celestine attempted to assault the Death Company, but failed to make the distance.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 12
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 10
A good turn for James and Jack had seen them catch up to our score, with the loss of several of the Blood Angels units.
Two units of White Scars bikers advanced on the Havocs, while the third unit moved to engage the Chaos Space Marines, backed up by the Death Company and Sanguinary Priest. The other two Death Company advanced on Saint Celestine.
Khan's bike unit fired at the lone Havoc, easily slaying him. The second bike unit turbo-boosted towards the enemy. The Death Company opened fire on the Chaos Space marines, killing two. The other Death Company fired at the Saint, but failed to cause any damage.
The White Scar bikers and Death Company assaulted the Chaos Space Marines. The White Scars failed to cause any hammer of wrath wounds. The Sanguinary Priest struck down one of the Chaos Marines, while the Death Company took care of another. The White Scars Bikers failed to bring down any of the traitorous marines. The Chaos squad struck back with a fury, killing 5 of the Death Company (after some abysmal rolling from Rob!). The White Scars bikers failed their morale test, falling back 8" from the combat.
The two Death Company assaulted Saint Celestine, but were easily cut down.
Saint Celestine advanced on the White Scars bikers, the other Sisters of Battle moving to engage the enemy.
In the shooting phase, the Immolator opened fire on the Meltagun Bikers, killing one of the squad. The squad embarked fired at them, killing another with their bolters. Another squad of Battle Sisters opened fire, killing another of the squad.
In the assault phase, Saint Celestine assaulted the nearby Bikers, killing two of the squad. The White Scars failed their morale test, but were locked in combat. They then failed their Hit and Run test. The Sanguinary Priest struck at the Chaos Space Marines, killing two of the squad. In reply, the squad brought down the Priest with their blows, marking the loss of all the Blood Angels from the field.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 14
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 16
The loss of the Blood Angels had put a serious dent in our force. We were now behind on points for the first time in the game.
With only the White Scars remaining, Khan led the last two Bike squads towards the Battle Sisters units in the corner of the battlefield.
Khan's unit fired on the Rhino, penetrating it and destroying its Storm Bolter. The Meltagun squad fired at the Rhino, but failed to cause any damage.
In the assault phase, the front Bike squad charged the Rhino and managed to immobilise it with their Meltabombs. Saint Celestine cut down the last Biker in the squad she was facing to wipe them out.
The Battle Sisters disembarked from the immobilised Rhino to face the Bikers in front of them, while the rest of the forces advanced on the remaining White Scars troops.
The Battle Sisters and Exorcist fired at Khan's bike unit, killing three of the squad with their combined firepower and leaving Khan alone.
In the assault phase, the Bikers succeeded in wrecking the Rhino.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 15
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 18
Things were getting very close in the game. At this point we did not realise how close the game was as we had lost track of the score and decided we would only add it up at the end of the game. With only three models left in the army, I was not overly hopeful about the outcome. We rolled to see if the game would continue and it did.
The remaining Bikers moved up on the Sisters of Battle Vehicles in front of them. With no weapons that could harm them with shooting from the front, they assaulted the two vehicles.
Khan managed to glance the Immolator once with his attacks, while the other squad's meltabombs failed to hit the enemy tank. That was the end of a very quick turn for me.
The remaining units continued to advance on the few White Scars remaining, the lone Meltagun Dominion disembarking from the Immolator.
The Dominion fired her Meltagun at Khan, hitting but failing to wound the White Scars Warlord. The Immolator then managed to miss with its twin-linked Multi-melta. To add further insult, the Exorcist only fired one missile this turn and that also missed. A very lucky escape for Khan!
The Battle Sisters fired their flamers and bolters at the Bike squad, wounding once, but failing to bring down any of the squad.
White Scars/Blood Angels- 15
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 18
Things were still very close in the game. Some terrible rolling from Jack meant that Khan and the bikers had survived the turn. We rolled to see if the game would continue and it did go on till turn 7.
Khan advanced on the lone Dominion, while the Bike squad advanced on the rear of the Immolator.
Both squads opened fire on their targets, but failed to cause any damage.
Khan assaulted the lone Dominion. She managed to score a hit with her overwatch fire, but once again failed to wound! Khan's hammer of wrath attacks took her out before she could strike.
The Bike squad assaulted the Immolator. The Sergeant's meltabombs hit and penetrated the vehicle, but once more, Jack made his 6+ invulnerable save!
At the end of our turn, we had destroyed the Dominion unit and brought the score to 17 to 18.
The Battle Sisters and Chaos Space Marines continued to advance on the White Scars. The Immolator attempted to move away from the Bikers, but managed to immobilise itself before it could go, taking it down to one hull point. Jack's run of bad luck from the last turn continued.
The Immolator and Exorcist fired at Khan, wounding him once.
In the assault phase, Saint Celestine attempted to assault Khan but failed to make the range. The Bikers were locked in combat with the now immobilised Immolator. The Sergeant's Meltabombs penetrated the vehicle and took its last hull point to destroy it. We had somehow won the game with the final roll of the dice!
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End of the game. |
White Scars/Blood Angels- 19
Sisters of Battle/Chaos Space Marines- 18
Thanks to Rob, Jack and James for an awesome game. We did not know we had won until the end of the game where we totalled up the scores as we had all lost count during it. Rob and I were very surprised that we had just managed to pull out the win, especially as it was on the final roll of the game.
I must say that Rob and I were feeling very confident about winning at the start of the game, even more so when we seized the initiative. However, as the game went on, that overconfidence almost proved to be our downfall after a single turn of abysmal rolling from Rob meant that he lost most of his Death Company in combat.
That overconfidence also hit me when I charged the Scout Bikers into the Chaos Space Marines on turn 1. I had taken out most of the unit in turn 1 with shooting and felt that the 6 Scout Bikers could easily take out the three remaining Chaos Space Marines in combat. That did not happen and the Scout Bikers ended up fleeing from the board.
Despite this, I think our overall battle plan worked well. We decided to focus on what we thought was the weaker side and wipe them out (though this took 2 turns rather than 1). With one side gone, we used our mobility to get to the other side and try and take out the other Battle Sisters and Chaos Marines. This is where the plan fell apart, as some of the opposing units were able to take out our hard hitters quite easily in combat.
The luck evened out though, as Jack was extremely unfortunate in his final two turns. I think he failed to wound with 3 or 4 Meltagun hits in the final two turns and he kept rolling a 1 for the number of missile shots from his Exorcist.
A better plan may have been to deal with one flank and then force them to come to us as we were already quite far ahead in points after turn 1. That would have made for a very dull game though and I'm glad we chose not to do that.
Looked like a great close game, they are the best! Fun for everyone. Great looking armies and table
ReplyDeleteThe board was awesome. It's Nick's modular gaming board (from the Burning Eye). It'll look great when it is finished.
DeleteReally great to see this written up, an epic game all round! I was much the spectator in the final two turns but there was howling and cheering every bizarre roll!
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect the only thing I would change would be the choice of drop pod site. I think we discussed it on the day as being a waste of his potential. Dropping him by Celestine and out of LoS of the anti-tank would have given her real problems.
Thanks Mike :)
Cheers Rob, I still can't believe that we won that!
DeleteWow, I can't believe how close that was! With your solid battle plan and it working, too I thought you winning this handily was a foregone conclusion! Cool that it ended up so close though, these are the most fun battles!