
Thursday 19 March 2020

NEO Tournament Battle Report: Game 4- White Scars vs Space Wolves

The fourth game of the North East Open tournament would see my White Scars take on Jac's Space Wolves in ITC mission 4. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain on Bike- Twin Bolter, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Master of Snares, Wrath of the Heavens
Librarian- Jump Pack, Force Stave, Mantle of the Stormseer, Ride the Winds, Storm-wreathed
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
3 Eliminators- Bolt Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks
3 Devastator Centurions- Grav-cannons and grav-amps, Hurricane Bolters

Battalion Detachment
Captain- Jump Pack, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Chapter Master, Imperium's Sword
Lieutenant- Jump Pack, Power Axe, MC Bolter
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistol, Combat Knives
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters
3 Inceptors- Assault Bolters

Battalion Detachment
Chaplain- Jump Pack, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol, Litany of Hate
Khan on Bike- Khan's Spear
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Infiltrators- Marksman Bolt Carbines, Smoke Grenades
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters
Thunderfire Cannon- Techmarine Gunner with Flamer, Plasma Cutter, 2 Servo-arms

Jac's army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Rune Priest- Phobos Armour, Camo Cloak, Armour of Russ, Runic Sword, Saga of the Wolfkin
Wolf Lord- Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, The Wulfen Stone
10 Incursors- Occulus Bolt Carbine
10 Incursors- Occulus Bolt Carbine
5 Incursors- Occulus Bolt Carbine
10 Wolf Guard Terminators- 3 Thunder Hammers, Storm Bolters, Storm Shields

Battalion Detachment
Wolf Guard Battle Leader- Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Wolf Lord- Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
5 Incursors- Occulus Bolt Carbine
5 Intercessors- Stalker Bolt Rifles
5 Intercessors- Stalker Bolt Rifles

Vanguard Detachment
Arjac Rockfist
Great Company Champion- Combat Shield, Master-crafted Power Sword
Invictor Tactical Warsuit- 2 Ironhail Heavy Stubbers, Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Incendium Cannon
Invictor Tactical Warsuit- 2 Ironhail Heavy Stubbers, Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Incendium Cannon

Quite an unusual Space Wolves force. It is surprising to see a large unit of Terminators, and I hadn't actually faced any Incursors or Invictor Tactical Warsuits on the tabletop yet. The characters would be tough to take down, as well as their 6" heroic intervention to look out for.

I won the roll off and chose to be the Attacker. I wanted to ensure that my own infiltrators had control of the board before Jac could deploy. Jac rolled for deployment zone and got Dawn of War and Frontline Assault, choosing the latter. We placed the objectives as shown below:

I placed both objectives on the right, while Jac placed the objectives on the left.

For secondaries, I chose Behind Enemy Lines, Reaper and Engineers. Jac chose Headhunter, King of the Hill and Born for Greatness (the Smash Captain).

I then deployed my army. I put an Intercessor squad and the Tactical Squad in the ruins on the left. The Thunderfire, Intercessors, Infiltrators, Eliminators, Lieutenant and Chapter Master went in the ruins on the right. I put the Khan, Biker Captain, Chaplain and Librarian on the deployment line, ready to move up the centre. I put two units of Scouts on the right, near my objective in Jac's deployment zone, while the third Scout unit went on the central objective. The last unit of Infiltrators went in the centre, ready to move up on the enemy forces. 

In reply, Jac put the Intercessors and Terminators on the left flank, along with Arjac, the Company Champion, the Smash Captain and Wolf Guard Battle Leader. In the centre, he put the two Warsuits, along with the Born for Greatness Captain and a big squad of Incursors. On the right, he put the Intercessors holding the objective, while the three squads of Incursors deployed forwards in the ruins near my deployment zone, accompanied by the Phobos Rune Priest.

I was fully expecting the Terminators to go in reserve to outflank, but Jac had decided to deploy them on the tabletop. I would be keen to avoid them!

I took the first turn.

I used the Canticle of Hate on my Chaplain in the first turn.

On the right flank, both Scout squads advanced back to their own lines. They had little chance up against the Terminators, and I didn't want to give Jac the free kills. I thought about moving them onto the objective to score the bonus this turn, but the 6" heroic intervention range meant that his characters could have got into combat with them, and they probably would have died anyway.

On the left flank, the Tactical Squad and Intercessors moved out to grab the objective. In the centre, the Biker Captain, Khan, Chaplain and Librarian advanced towards the Space Wolves forces in the centre.

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Storm-wreathed on the Biker Captain and Ride the Winds on the Chaplain.

The Eliminators opened fire on the Jump Pack Captain, wounding him once. The Thunderfire Cannon then spent 3CP on firing twice and Tremor Shells. I targeted the two units of Incursors on the left flank. The fired killed one in one squad and wounded another in the other squad. With the Tremor shells, it would be impossible for them to advance or charge onto the objective to score the bonus this turn.

The Tactical Squad and Intercessors added their firepower, only causing a single wound. In the centre, the Scouts and Infiltrators fired at the enemy Incursors, but failed to do any damage.

In the charge phase, the Biker Captain charged the Incursors and both units of Warsuits. The Khan, Chaplain and Infiltrators followed them in on the right, while the Scouts charged the Incursors, Captain and Warsuit on the left.

The Biker Captain struck first with his Thunder Hammer, doing two wounds on the Warsuit with a CP re-roll, taking 6 damage from it. Jac spent 2CP to interrupt with the Warsuit and attacked the Khan, wounding him four times. I failed 2 saves and the Khan perished.

I spent 2CP to fight in Death. The Khan managed four wounds on the Warsuit, but Jac made two 6+ saves! I then rolled maximum for damage of 6, leaving the Tactical Warsuit on a single wound. The Infiltrators attacked the Warsuit, doing two wounds but failing to get past its armour.

The Scouts attacked the Captain, doing one wound, but failing to get past his armour. The Chaplain only managed to do one wound, which was saved by the Incursors.

The Space Wolves Wolf Lord struck, killing the Scouts and consolidating towards the Biker Captain. The Warsuit struck at the Biker Captain, wounding him once and taking three damage from him.

I spent 3CP to fight with the Captain once more, targeting the Warsuit. I managed three hits, but not a single wound on a 3+! Jac spent 3CP to fight with the Wolf Lord (which he could do using the wording of the old stratagem so he didn't have to be within 1" to use it). He targeted the Biker Captain, wounding him four times and killing him.

A brutal combat had seen both my Captain and Khan fall, with no loss to the enemy forces. That was not what I wanted to happen!

At the end of my turn, I scored Hold 1 and Behind Enemy Lines (1/4). Jac scored two points for Headhunter (2/4)


In the centre, one Warsuit moved up on the Librarian, while the Wolf Lord moved to engage the Infiltrators. The Incursors fell back from combat. On the right, the three Incursor squads and Rune Priest moved up towards the White Scars holding the objective.

On the left, the Terminators and Arjac began to move up on the White Scars lines, while the Wolf Lord and Battle Leader moved to support the central push.

In the psychic phase, the Rune Priest cast Smite, periling and taking 3 mortal wounds.

The Incursors fired at the Tactical Squad, killing two of them. There was no other firepower that could target the White Scars.

In the charge phase, the Wolf Lord charged the Infiltrators, while the Warsuit charged the Librarian. The other Wolf Lord was also able to charge the Infiltrators.

In the fight phase, the White Scars were easily cut down by the rampaging Space Wolves.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored Headhunter (3/4), hold 1, kill 1, hold more and kill more.

White Scars- 2
Space Wolves- 7

A horrendous start for the White Scars. My push down the centre had been completely blunted for no loss to the Space Wolves at all. In all honesty, I thought the game was over after such a terrible first turn. I was going to have to do something to pull this back.

In my second turn, I moved to the Tactical Doctrine and used the Litany of Hate on the Chaplain.

The Chaplain moved into the cover of the building, while on the left, the Infiltrators and Tactical Squad moved up on the enemy forces. On the right, the Scouts continued to move back towards the White Scars lines.

At the end of the phase, I brought in my reserves. I decided to focus on my left flank. The Centurions were able to get in near the enemy Intercessors, after Jac left a gap for them. I couldn't get a third unit into his deployment zone at this stage. The two units of Inceptors and the Intercessors arrived to support the push against the Incursors on the left flank.

In the shooting phase, the newly arrived Intercessors fired at the Rune Priest, only managing two wounds, both of which were saved! The second Intercessor squad fired at the Incursors, killing two of the squad. The Inceptors added their firepower, killing three more of the squad.

The second unit of Inceptors fired at the Space Wolf Incursors, only managing 5 wounds and only killing one after some poor rolls.

The Centurions opened fire on the Intercessors killing the squad. The Thunderfire Cannon targeted the other Incursor squad, killing two of them.

The Eliminators fired at the Company Champion, killing him.

In the charge phase, the Chaplain charged the Incursors on the ruins. On the left flank, the Intercessors charged the enemy Incursors, while the Tactical Squad charged the Rune Priest. The second squad of Intercessors failed the charge on the Rune Priest.

The Intercessors were able to cut down the remaining Incursors in combat. The Tactical Squad failed to do any damage to the Librarian, who then cut down 2 of the squad in reply. The Chaplain once more managed a single wound, which was saved.

At the end of my turn, I scored hold 1, kill 1, Behind Enemy Lines (2/4) and Engineers (1/4) to take me to 6 points.


The Incursors in combat with the Chaplain fell back, while the Incursors on the right advanced onto the objective in the White Scars' deployment zone. The Wolf Lord moved up on the Chaplain, while the other moved into the centre objective.
The Warsuit moved up towards the ruins holding the bulk of the White Scars forces. The Terminators and Arjac continued their move up the left flank.

The Rune Priest cast Smite, killing the last of the Tactical Squad.

The Incursors fired at the Intercessors, causing one wound. The Invictus Warsuit fired at the Eliminators, causing one wound.

In the charge phase, the Wolf Lord charged the White Scars Chaplain. The Incursors and Rune Priest charged the Intercessor squad.

The Wolf Lord did five wounds on the Chaplain, but the White Scars character made all his Rosarius saves. The Rune Priest killed one Intercessor, while the Incursors were able to kill one more.

The White Scars struck back, only the Chaplain managing to wound the Wolf Lord twice and leave him on a single wound. Jac spent 3CP to fight again with the Wolf Lord, killing the Chaplain.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored hold 1, kill 1, hold more, Headhunter (4/4) and Born for Greatness (1/4). I scored kill more.

White Scars- 7
Space Wolves- 12

The Space Wolves were still in the lead by a good margin, but I think I was in a decent position to score some points. I still had my Reaper points to accrue. We decided it would be easier to count these up at the end of the game, rather than try to keep track of the wounds as the game went on.

In my third turn, I switched to the Assault Doctrine.

On the left flank, the Inceptors and Intercessors moved up on the enemy units, while the Centurions moved along the flank. The Scouts on the right flank moved up on the Terminators, hoping to block their movement for a turn. The Chapter Master advanced, moving over the Terminators to strike at the Intercessors behind them.

In the shooting phase, the Centurions fired at the Incursors, killing only two after some horrendous rolling. The Intercessors fired at the survivor, killing him. The Inceptors fired at the Rune Priest, killing him.

The Eliminators fired at the Wolf Lord, doing a single wound. Jac made his save with a CP re-roll to keep him alive. The Scouts fired at the Terminators, killing one of them. The Thunderfire Cannon fired at the Warsuit on one wound, doing two wounds but failing to get past his armour.

In the charge phase, the Inceptors assaulted the Space Wolves Incursors, while the Chapter Master assaulted the Intercessor.

The Inceptors manged to hit the Incursors 11 times, but only managed 2 wounds on a 4+! However, Jac failed both saves and two Incursors died. The Chapter Master cut down the Intercessors on the right flank.

At the end of the turn, I scored hold 1, kill 1, Behind Enemy Lines (3/4) and Engineers (2/4).


The Terminators moved up and around the Scouts in front of them, while the Invictus Warsuit and Battle Leader moved up on the Eliminators. The Wolf Lord and Incursors moved into the central ruins. On the right flank, the lone Incursor was surrounded in combat, so could not fall back.

The Terminators fired at the Bolter Scouts, killing four of the squad. The Incursors in the central ruins used their smoke grenades to obscure themselves from the enemy fire.

In the charge phase, the Terminators launched themselves at the White Scars. Jac made a 9" charge on the Infiltrators and charged the Scouts as well. Annoyingly, I thought I had screened them well enough.

The Terminators were able to cut down the Scouts and three of the Infiltrators with ease. The White Scars were able to cut down the last Incursor on the other flank.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored hold 1, kill 1, Born for Greatness (2/4) and King of the Hill (1/4). I scored hold more and kill more.

White Scars- 13
Space Wolves- 16

At the end of turn 3, I was closing the gap on the White Scars. With the Reaper points, it was probably closer to a draw.


The Inceptors and Centurions moved up towards the central ruins. The Lieutenant advanced on the central Incursor squad, while the Chapter Master moved to secure the objective. The Intercessors moved up on the objective.

The Eliminators fired at the Wolf Lord on one wound, but failed to get past his armour. The Lieutenant fired at the Incursors, but failed to do any damage.

The Centurions fired on the Incursors. The Grav Cannons did three wounds, but Jac rolled a triple 6 to save! The Bolters managed to do two wounds, both of which were saved.

The Inceptors fired at the squad, killing three of them. The Thunderfire Cannon killed one more.

In the charge phase, the Lieutenant charged the Incursors, while the Wolf Lord heroically intervened. The Lieutenant cut down three of the Incursors. The Infiltrators took down one Terminator, who cut them down in reply.

The Wolf Lord killed the Lieutenant. I spent 2CP to fight in death with the Lieutenant, who cut down the two Incursors, the rest of the squad fleeing to morale.

At the end of my turn, I scored Hold 1, Kill 1, Behind Enemy Lines (4/4) and Engineers (3/4), the Reaper (4/4), as well as the objective bonus. Jac scored Born for Greatness (3/4).


The Terminators moved up on the remaining White Scars, the Invictus Warsuit moving around the ruins. The Warsuit and Wolf Lord moved up on the Inceptors.

The Invictus Warsuit fired at the Intercessors, but only managed a single wound. The Terminators fired at the squad, killing one.

In the charge phase, the Invictus Warsuit charged the Techmarine, while the Terminators charged the Thunderfire Cannon and Intercessors. The Battle Leader charged the Eliminators. The Wolf Lord failed a charge on the Inceptors.

The White Scars were cut down in combat by the Space Wolves.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored hold 1, kill 1 and kill more.

White Scars- 22
Space Wolves- 20

At the end of turn 4, I had taken the lead in the game. I controlled the left flank, while Jac had the right flank secured thanks to his Terminators.


The Centurions and one squad of Inceptors moved up on the central objective. The other squad moved to secure another objective.

The Centurions fired at the Warsuit and Wolf Lord, killing both squads.

At the end of my turn, I scored hold 1, kill 1 and Engineers (4/4).


The Warsuit, Battle Leader, Arjac and Terminators advanced towards the central objective to target the remaining White Scars.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored hold 1. I scored hold more and kill more.

White Scars- 27
Space Wolves- 21


The Intercessors moved up on the central objective, joined by the Centurions and Inceptors. The Centurions fired at the Wolf Lord, killing him.

At the end of my turn, I scored hold 1 and kill 1.


The Invictus Warsuit moved up on the Intercessors, as did Arjac. The Warsuit fired at the squad, killing one.

In the charge phase, the Warsuit charged the Intercessors, while Arjac failed the charge. The Warsuit cut down the White Scars.

At the end of his turn, Jac scored hold 1 and kill 1. I scored hold more.

White Scars- 30
Space Wolves- 22

A win for the White Scars.

Thanks to Jac for a fun and tactical game.

In all honesty, I thought I had lost this game after my first turn. I charged the bulk of my combat ability into the Warsuits and lost both the Captain and the Khan. I was very close to giving up at that point, as I thought the Warsuits would just rampage around my army to destroy it.

In the end, it turned out that my plan was a good idea in practice. I was able to block the Incursors in the centre from moving up on the central objective for 2 turns. This stopped them from going after the king of the hill points. I thought that was an odd secondary for Jac to choose, considering his deployment.

He had only a single squad in the centre of his deployment zone, which was going to make it very difficult to score the points for king of the hill. In turn 4, Jac said he was very surprised that my army decided to focus on the Incursor squad in the centre of the battlefield. However, this would deny him from scoring any more King of the Hill points for the game, as well as getting me more points for the Reaper.

We were using a chess clock for this game, so I didn't notice any of the timings for each round. I think I finished with about 4 minutes remaining, whereas Jac had about 30 minutes left. This seemed about right, as most of the action and combats were happening in my turns. Plus, Jac did very little shooting in his own turns, as most of his army was either falling back, in combat or out of range of my units.

Jac said that he managed to throw away the win in this game, and I would agree with him. He made a number of errors that I was able to capitalise on, even after a poor first turn.

The first was in his deployment. Had he send one or both of the Invictus Warsuits after the objective on my left flank (held by the Tactical Squad and Intercessors), I probably wouldn't have been able to hold it for most of the game. At the very least, I probably would have sent my characters after the suits on the flank, keeping them from going after the bulk of his army.

I would also have been inclined to put the Terminators in the centre. Had they gone after the central objective, it would have been very difficult to shift them, allowing him to score more king of the hill points. I also probably would have been less inclined to go after them on turn 1, as my Character attacks were likely just to bounce off the Storm Shields of the squad.

Another error that he pointed out was leaving enough space for my Centurions to get in behind the Intercessors. This allowed them to take out the Intercessors holding the objective and essentially stopped him from getting the bonus point at all during the game.

I think the choice of secondary was also an issue. King of the Hill was going to be hard to score in this game. Behind enemy lines or recon would have been far easier to achieve over the course of the game. As it was, he only scored a single point for King of the Hill during the game.

So, with four games down, I was on three wins and a loss. A pretty good record for my White Scars so far. I was eager to see who I would be facing in the last game and whether I could grab the fourth win. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Siph! I was so close to giving up after my first turn.

  2. Yes. Well fought, especially as the first turn could have been dispiriting.

    Thnk you for writing up these games. I enjoy reading them and like the format.


  3. great report and great comeback.

    i was a bit surprised i saw the terms on the flank. in the centre or maybe use the on the hunt stratagem (i get mauled by that a lot at my club where a guys plays that on 3 packs of wulfen)

    chess clocks: what are your thoughts. mine it is a clumsy unfair mechanism to stop a minority of players. chess is a very different game to 40k where you have zero involvement of your opponent in your turn, it is all on you. but there are numerous interactions even something as simple as what does that unit do, then have to wait 10mins for them to tell you. i think it can be open up to as much shenanigans as slow play and adds something that the game doesn't need, even in the tournament scene

    1. I agree, a central push with the Terminators, or even going after the weaker flank would have secured him the game. I would have been scrambling to get enough forces over there to deal with them. Even with all my characters, a few good Storm Shield saves would have shut down the counter attack.

      I'm not sure about the chess clocks. I've only used them twice, but both times the game finished early and no one timed out. I think having an eye on the time forces you to play a bit quicker.
      Even my games that went to turn 4 had a pretty even split on player time. I think without the constant reminder of how long you have left forces you to play faster.

      In this game, we were not switching over for different players rolling dice. As it was, most of the combats were taking place in my turn, so there were some instances where Jac's combat was taking longer than my own in my own turn, but coming out of my time. I'm not a huge fan of them, but I can't see a fairer way of determining the equal splitting of time.
