
Wednesday 7 November 2018

Hobby Update 07/11/18- 40k Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids

Today's Warhammer 40k hobby update features some reinforcements for my Genestealer Cults army. 

I wanted to add some Heavy Weapons Teams to my army for the Neophyte Hybrids squad. I wanted a couple of Mortar teams and a Lascannon team. The Mortars would allow me to hide the Neophyte squad and still have some firepower to contribute. The Lascannon is also useful for some strong anti-tank firepower for the army. 

I also added a couple of Flamers to the Neophyte squad. I figured these could go in the Shotgun squad to allow me to get close to the enemy army and roast them. 

I painted up the Heavy Weapons in a yellow scheme to match my Scout Sentinels. I figured that the stolen "Guard" equipment would have a similar colour scheme. 


  1. Looking good! I love the head with its tongue out on the flamer hybrid. That makes for a great overall pose for the model. He's definitely getting into his job of roasting the righteous! Heavy weapon teams have great character too.

  2. Great reinforcements, I’m currently working on a Lascannon team using Rogue Trader Guardsmen, great minds and all that. Love the scheme, the makeshift Armoured stand for the Mortar tube and the Flamer tongue guy and rebreather guy, both good.

    1. Looking forward to seeing how yours turn out.
      The makeshift armoured stand is simply because I didn't have the real part! Sometimes circumstance makes for good conversions.

  3. Very nice! I always liked those guard heavy weapon platforms, nice kit.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, the kit still holds up after all these years.

  4. That shield makes a nice replacement for the missing bipod on the one Mortar. Figuring out ways to get around the lack of bipods/tripods in that kit is the number one key to getting the most out of it, and that's a good one.

    I like that they brought back the oldschool Flamers for the GSC. The one with the tongue out is definitely a highlight here as well!

    1. Cheers WestRider! Yeah, I actually made some effor with the heads in this kit, for example, putting the rebreather with the Flamer as well. It helps make them stand out.
