
Monday 23 July 2018

Warhammer World GT- Armies on Display

Today I have all the photos I took from the armies on display at the recent Warhammer World Grand Tournament. There were some fantastic models and armies that were picked for display at the event. 

I also took some photos of one of the awesome display tables that were available to play on. 


  1. Its like pornography, but you can look at it at work! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Haha! Possibly one of the best comments I have ever received on the blog.

  2. Very nice, thanks for sharing!

  3. Very nice armies and board! Interesting how many Dominus Class Knights were present. I`m very close to picking one up too, to be honest :D

    1. Yeah, there were a lot of Knights present at the tournament, which I think they may be from now on. The Dominus Class Knights are incredibly strong, able to put out a ton of firepower and with some decent combat potential.

  4. Some great work there! Thanks for sharing!

    I think my favourite is the Storm Raven with the Assault Marines jumping out, but there are a bunch of others very close behind. That Dark Eldar FW Vehicle, I can't remember what it's called, but the one with the catamaran-style double hull and the sail, that one's amazing. I always like seeing other Ryza AdMech forces. And the rainbow Harlequin Jetbikes are just amazing. I think I saw those Objective Markers on a blog somewhere, but I can't remember where, and it might have just been some others that used embedded dice for the numbers in the same way.

    1. I think the Harlequins won best army overall. They were really nice.
