
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Hobby Update 24/04/18- Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant and Ancient

Today's Hobby Update features my Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant and Primaris Ancient. These are new additions for my London GT army. 

I really like these Primaris models, they are a great scale and have some really nice detail on them. I've also been experimenting with some photo editing from photos with the lightbox. Let me know what you think. 

With the Primaris models complete, I will be moving on to the Scouts and Tactical Squads for the army. 


  1. The only issue I have with these light boxes is particularly on the black background, they pick up dust and flecks so clearly. You really need a little vacuum cleaner to suck them all up 😉

    Did you see the last tip for taking photos by GW? Apparently the best angle vertically is to take the picture so the height of the rim of the base = height of the view of the ellipse of the top of the base. Or so they say...

    The guys are looking really good though. I'm resisting the Primaris Marines but seeing them like this makes it really tough to hold out Mike!

    1. I know what you mean! As soon as I add anything it starts to look absolutely filthy!

      I really like the Primaris models, they just look so good at that scale. Not that I'm trying to tempt you or anything........

  2. A black felt background is more forgiving and can clean with a piece of tape around your fingers. If you reduce the light level ever so slightly I think you will have nailed the contrast without glare. Lieutenant looks awesome, and the Ancient. Perhaps the banner which looks awesome as is, would benefit from rich red laurels? To tie in with the red casing and markings perhaps? Fine as is, you avoided the temptation of green laurels on green. These look great mate.

    1. I think a bit more colour on the banner would be useful.

      I'm going to look into a matt background for the photos, I think it'll look better.

  3. Looks great. I'd be tempted to use a transfer of some writing on the banner. On the creamy/white block bit.

    1. Cheers! Yeah, I was planning on adding some transfers to the banner. Going to do them all in a batch.
