
Friday 23 March 2018

Hobby Update 23/03/18- Dark Angels Primaris Marine, Test Model

Today I have a test model that I painted for my Dark Angels army. 

I decided that my Dark Angels army needed a bit of  a re-vamp with 8th edition. My current Dark Angels army was painted up in 3rd edition and were among the very first 40k models that I ever painted. As a result, they are looking a bit dated. 

I wanted to the get the Primaris Marines painted up and decided they would do well in my Dark Angels army. I had a look at videos on Youtube and found the Dark Angels Hellblaster video and Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad from Warhammer TV to be very useful. 

I painted them up with a variation on the colour schemes in the videos. I undercoated them with Caliban Green, then gave them a wash with Nuln Oil. 

I then drybrushed them with Caliban Green once more. 

I then did a drybrush highlight with Waaagh! Flesh. 

Finally for the armour, I gave a line edge highlight of Warpstone Glow. 

The metal parts were painted with Leadbelcher, the gun casing and purity seal waxes were painted Khorne Red. The chest plate icon and purity seal parchment were painted Zhandri Dust, while the joints in the armour were painted black. The pouches were painted Mournfang Brown. 

These regions were then given a wash with Nuln Oil. 

I then went over the red casings with Khorne red once more. 

For the final highlights, the metal areas were done with Stormhost Silver, the red with Wazdakka Red, the brown pouches with Steel Legion Drab, the chestplate and parchment with Ushabti Bone. 

Finally, the base was painted and flocked. 

I quite like how the model turned out. Any comments or suggestions, let me know. I hope to get the Primaris Marines painted up for the London GT in May. 


  1. Whilst I applaud your choice to paint up some reinforcements for the DA, I kept getting distracted by Chris Kamara "Kammy" grinning back in your photos! Ha Ha. Looks good mate, nice to revisit older schemes and modernise them... have you thought about re-basing the older DA to 32mm using adapters, does a lot to bring them back into the fore.

    1. Haha! I did notice that when I was taking the photos, too good to leave out.

      I probably wouldn't bother trying to rebase them. They are the older, smaller models and I'd probably need to strip them to repaint them. Maybe in time, but I have enough normal Marines spare to just paint them up at the moment.

  2. Dunno if you've already seen them or not, but Kromlech/bits of war are selling pseudo-Primaris bodies with tabards now!

  3. Nice work, although Chris Kamara looks terrified by them! Two minor points to add visual interest:
    - A little more variance in the leather pouch texture would be nice, get something darker than your mid tone in there as thin lines just above areas where it's lighter to create depth of scratch/weathering.
    - On the weapon, a blue wash into the deepest recess just behind the skull to add definition between the wing and the skull.

    1. Cheers Dave! I'll take a look at adding a few more highlights to the pouch and an extra wash on the gun.

  4. Looks good! A suitably dark feel for the Dark Angels. I might suggest some highlights for the Bolter as well, particularly to the sharp edges of the casing so the feel matches the highlights to the armor.

    1. Thanks Dave! I did add a highlight to the gun. Perhaps it is not enough of a contrast or the photos are too poor to see it. I'll take another look at it!

  5. NIce one Mike, they are gonna be a worthy addition to your force :)

    1. Cheers NafNaf! Looking forward to getting the force up and running.
