
Monday 27 November 2017

Hobby Update 26/11/17- Genestealer Cult Aberrants WIP

Over the weekend, I managed to get some work done on my Genestealer Cult Aberrants. I had 8 of these models from two of the Deathwatch Overkill boxed sets. 

I am currently in the process of finishing these models. All they need is a purple wash and some final highlights. I hope to get them finished this week.

I also finished updating the bases on my already painted Genestealer Cult models, adding some rubble and static grass to them. 

Once the Aberrants are done, I plan to start working on the Patriarch and the Acolyte Iconward to complete my HQ units for the army. 


  1. Your really motoring through the GSC models! I wish i had half the time to paint as you do!

    1. Cheers Steve! Yeah, the army is coming together quite nicely. I just seem to be in one of my painting zones at the moment.

  2. Looking great. The army is coming together very well.

    1. Thanks Thor! Hoping to get the bulk of it done before Christmas, so that I can get plenty of games in the new year (with the new Chapter Approved rules!).
