
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Board games arrive

When I got home today my copy of Assassinorum Execution force had arrived. The contents look really good and I have liked what I have seen of the assassin models so far.

When I ordered the game, I picked up a copy of white dwarf too in order to get the rules for using the assassins in normal 40k (one of the main reasons I ordered the game was to get all the assassin figures), but hopefully it should be a decent board game. After checking out the rules for assassins, I cannot wait to give them a go. Just wait till the Culexus gets in amongst my friend's seer council or daemons (I wonder if it is too late to try and paint one up for my blog wars army?)

Also arrived recently was a copy of Space Hulk that I got from ebay. I've never played it before, but have always liked the look of it. I got it a bit cheaper as the terminator models are missing. I have enough terminators in my Dark Angels army to use in the game, so am looking forward to trying it out in the near future.

Has anyone played space hulk before (or even had a go at execution force)? Was it worth picking them up?


  1. Space Hulk is a blast, dude. You're in for a treat. Luckily you can even get non-40K peeps to play it. I don't FEEL like the Assassin game is going to live up to it, but I'd love to be wrong about that. The models are great, don't get me wrong, but once you unbox Space Hulk you'll know it's in a class of its own.

    1. That is good news about space hulk, I've been wanting to try it for a while but it was always so expensive to try and buy on ebay! The quality of the tile pieces and counters looks great.
      One thing GW does do right is the quality of the models they put out with the games. The space hulk terminators looked fantastic. I've seen a lot of work online with people converting them to use with different legions, it's a shame I wasn't able to pick some up for a reasonable price.

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  3. Execution Force is fantastic. Different from Space Hulk but the cooperative gameplay is a welcome change of pace.

    1. Good to hear. I'll need to get some people together soon to give it a go.

  4. Good to hear. I'll need to try and get some friends together soon for a game.

  5. Yeah I've always really enjoyed space hulk. I can highly recommend it - and it is a gateway game as well for non - 40kers

    1. I was hoping that I could convince some of my non-40k but board game playing friends to give them a go. I recently dug out Heroquest for the last games night and it seemed to go down really well.

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  7. Space Hulk is one of my favourite games, and has been for a long time. After having a good play through the game as provided, see if you can find the expanded rules on the internet.
