
Monday 6 May 2019

Hobby Update 06/05/19- Genestealer Cults Jackal Alphus

Today for my hobby update, I have the completed Jackal Alphus for my Genestealer Cults army. This was a great model to paint up, and I am looking forward to getting the other Jackals in my army painted up, not just because they are pretty good on the table, but that doesn't hurt. 

I used the standard scheme, which I think works quite well. The orange breaks up the grey and metal of the miniature as a whole. I think the details on this model mean that a simple colour palette works quite well with it.


  1. Superb, love the mini, you’ve done it justice. So, is it a he or she or gender fluid hybrid?

    1. Cheers Siph! They are whatever they choose to be. All are welcomed into the embrace of the cult.

  2. I love the GSC model range. What with these and the new Chaos Marines, I keep being tempted to try 40k again. You're last few posts have certainly haven't helped my resolve, great work Mike.

    Have you thought about adding a piece of white paper to the edge of your subject matter when taking the photo? I've found that it helps reduce the photo glare or burn out (I've no idea what the correct term is as I'm not a photographer). Then you can simply trim the photo to remove the white paper with your mobile's camera editor.

  3. Great work on that. Very cool mini and a clean paint job. The cult's enemies better keep their heads down.

    1. Cheers Dave! With the Relic rifle, he is actually pretty effective at doing mortal wounds.

  4. Ride to live, live to ride! Great work on one of my fave minis from the new GSC wave!

    1. They are some great releases for the army. Currently getting the rest of the Jackals painted up.
