
Tuesday 30 April 2019

Hobby Update 30/04/19- Genestealer Cults Characters

I managed to get some more work done on the new Genestealer Cult characters, painting the flesh and adding some of the highlights to the robes and suits. 

I also did some work on a few Familiars, Neophyte Hybrids and Acolyte Hybrids that were waiting around for finishing. 

I'll be working to get these units finished for my upcoming games with the Cult. Hopefully the new buffing characters will help out my army, along with the new codex special rules. 


  1. Came within seconds of buying myself my first GSC models yesterday then swerved to a custodes character instead.

    These look good, seriously debating the Alpha, and (from your piccys yesterday) buidling him another base so he can be either the Alpha, or the Assassin. Looks like the body pose would work for that ( I think ).

    Looking forward to reading anything more you post about GSC... after the codex this is my stop for hints and tips for how to build the army, and therefore what to buy :)

    1. Cheers Kraggi!
      I think the Cult is a fun army, but they are certainly not an easy one to play. The army is a bit expensive to buy, as they basic troops are very expensive!

      I think the Alpha would look good as an Assassin without the Bike. You can just have him standing on a stone or piece of ruins to give his left leg the height needed.

      Hopefully I can provide some tips on how to use the army. I'm still getting to know them myself at the moment, so there is a lot of trial and error. Be sure to check out my reviews on Frontline Gaming as well. I'll be going more in depth on particular units as I gain more experience with them.

  2. The paint job is really good mate. I think you've found your style.

  3. Looking great! They really are such fantastic Models, and you've done a great job of bringing that out.

    1. Thanks WestRider! They are really great and detailed models. A joy to paint, and you can do them suprisingly quickly.
