
Monday, 12 February 2018

Squaduary 2018- Assault Squad Completed

This last weekend I managed to get my first squad for Squaduary 2018 completed, my Assault Squad. 

I needed to add a bunch of Assault Marines with Plasma Pistols to my White Scars army for an upcoming tournament. I managed to get 7 of these Marines painted up to join my force. 

It's weird to be fielding Plasma Pistols once more. The lack of Gets Hot (unless you overcharge) is great, meaning the unit can put out a lot of high strength firepower with little risk. These seven Marines will be split between three Assault Squads. 

Next up, I'll have my painted Scout Squad. 


  1. awesome work Michael, White is such a difficult colour to work with, you've produced enviable results! I salute you sir!

  2. Nice one Mike, they are looking good :)

    1. Cheers, NafNaf. Not as good as my Deahwatch or Cult, but its nice to go back the the White Scars.

  3. You're a brave man painting white, I try to avoid it! One suggestion would be to take a little very thin grey or blue, and run it round key features the inside ridges of shoulder pads, between fingers, etc. Don't let it flood the area, control the application. You'll get stronger definition with only minimal additional effort.

    1. I hated the "multi-coloured" White Scars of 7th edition, so decided my White Scars would be proper White Scars. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Great job! Far more progress than my own squad which has stalled completely! Need to get off my butt.
