
Sunday, 5 March 2017

Monster March- Week 1

Welcome to my first week update for Monster March. 

Monster March is an event being run by Swordmaster from the Path of an Outcast blog. I decided that after the success of Squaduary, I would sign up for another painting event. 

I pledged my Terrorgheist for the challenge. I bought this model around 2 years ago, but had yet to paint it. Monster March would be a great opportunity to do so. 

Week 1 was supposed to be for assembling the model. As I already had it assembled, I decided to make a start on painting it. This helps me, as I am away on holiday for a week during Monster March, so can make up for lost time. You can check out the first update post for Monster March over on Swordmaster's blog. 

I started by undercoating the model in black. The bone areas were then painted in a couple of coats of Bleached Bone.

This was followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade. 

Then, I drybrush of 1:1 Bleached Bone and Skull White. 

Then, a final light drybrush of Bleached Bone. 

That gets the first stage of painting done night and quickly. I plan to paint the wings green to match the rest of my Vampire Counts army, along with some rotted flesh on the flesh sections of the model. I should hopefully get this model painted up nice and quickly over the month, so I may even add trying to get my three Crypt Horrors painted up this month as well!

Tune in later today for my second hobby post (it has been a busy week!). 


  1. Looking good so far Mike. Do you still play fantasy or have you ported over to KOW? I play KOW and it is a lot of fun. Fast and tactical, and nothing really broken etc. A very well balanced game IMO

    1. Cheers NafNaf. I haven't tried KOW yet, but it is on my list to give it a go (Swordmaster keeps telling me how awesome it is and to give it a try!). I'm hoping to give Age of Sigmar another try too.

    2. Yeah I got plans for AOS too. Starting a Slyvaneth conversion project soon (hopefully post something about it in a week or two, when RL calms down).
      Def recommend KOW. Really easy to learn, but hard to master

    3. Hey Naf Naf, think you can squeeze in a monster for March?

  2. Fast and very good! Are you going to paint also the rider?

  3. Thanks! No, the rider was based to lead my Ghoul unit.

  4. This is a great looking model. Glad to see it get some love. Drycha is my pledge for the month.

    1. Yeah, it's actually giving me some incentive to finish off the Vampire Counts while I have them in mind. As you can see on my later post, I've already started making progress on the Ghouls and Crypt Horrors.

  5. Off to a great start Mike, the bone is looking good.
