
Tuesday 7 February 2017

Squaduary Week 1- Veterans built!

The first week of Squaduary is complete and my Deathwatch Veterans have been built. 

I decided that I wanted to do a few little conversions/kit bashing for the squad. First up, we have some simple ones that mix the Deathwatch Veteran kit and Space Marine Tactical Squad. I have a Veteran Sergeant with an Auspex. 

A couple of Veterans with combi-meltas and one with a Meltagun.

A Veteran with a grenade, and a few with Bolters.

I decided I wanted one Veteran with a Shotgun and Storm Shield (even though this wouldn't make sense with a pump-action shotgun, it still looks cool). 

I cut the right hand off of the shotgun model. I thought this would be sufficient, but it didn't look that great, so I decided to do more. I cut the grip off of a Bolter and cut the grip out of the Shotgun. 

I then glued them together to get a one-handed shotgun pose. 

I then switched the arm of the shotgun with a Bolter arm, so that is was no longer being held across the body. Finally, the Marine was assembled. 

I also managed to make a start on week 2 of the challenge, getting a cheeky undercoat done while the weather was decent at the weekend. 

So there we have the complete squad assembled. Next week I will look at the edge highlighting for the models. 


  1. Love little mods like that. They make all the difference in the figures!

  2. Hey if Sarah Connor can take the T1000 on with a pump action shotgun while one army pretty much hangs useless by her side, I don't see why a Space Marine wouldn't be able to figure something out... :P

    1. It should be fine. They generally only get to fire them once before they die, so no need to reload ;)

  3. Always good to see something a little original in an army. Rule of cool!

    1. Yeah, as much as the Deathwatch sprue has a ton of variety in the weapons options, there is not too much variety within each option.

  4. Nice! I need to get mine photographed and posted.

    Maybe add some sort of "catch" on either the Storm Shield or the pump handle so he can steady/rack the shotgun on the shield? Sort of like the Arbites are supposed to have in their Riot Shields.

    1. I'll raid my bits box, see if I find anything suitable.

  5. Way cool, I like the mod and he looks really bad ass.

    1. Thanks Joe! They've got a good deal of paint on them now, well ahead of the week 2 goals.

  6. Ahhh, seeing this is reminding me I'm dropping behind... (currently sat in Germany having been ushered over here by work... 😓) the joys of being a hobbyist that has to spend large swaths of the year out of the country

  7. Like the conversion there. These are awesome models. They will look great painted up.

    1. Thanks! They are coming along nicely now, should be well ahead of the Squaduary deadline.
