
Sunday 5 February 2017

Hobby Sunday 05/02/17- Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar

This week, I have been painting up the Corvus Blackstar for my Deathwatch army. I wanted to save this till near the end, as it is a great model and a centrepiece for any Deathwatch army.

When painting this up, I used the amazing Warhammer TV video, appropriately titled, "How to paint Deathwatch- Corvus Blackstar". This painting videos are phenomenal, showing you how the studio gets the paint jobs on their models and giving you great hints and tips on how to get the different techniques and colours to work. I have found that some of these video tutorials are great for helping me to boost my painting skills, as I have been trying to do with my Deathwatch army.

The only difference is that I have not gone for the weathering techniques described in the video. I tend to like my vehicles a bit more pristine. Just because you are going to a hellish warzone, it's not reason to let standards slip! Give that flyer it's second coat of wax and watch the enemy be blinded by the shine.

Here are some WIP shots of the flyer, with the finished Corvus at the bottom of the page. Hope you enjoy!

With the Corvus done, there is not a lot left of the Deathwatch. At the moment, I have a Watch Master, 10 Veterans, a Dreadnought and another Drop Pod to finish and the army is done. Fortunately, I have signed up for #Squaduary (started by Rory at Stepping Between Games), which should enable me to get the Veterans painted by the end of the month. 


  1. Looking great Mike, can't wait to see it in the flesh 👍

  2. Lovely job and a great model, my favourite 40K flyer. Great job line highlighting, and subtle weathering. Only crit is a minor and my bug bear, so don't feel you have to! The six (twelve) Assault Cannon barrels need drilling... otherwise how do the shells leave the rotating barrels? ;)

    1. Ha! You just nailed everything I was going to say here.

    2. I only modelled the gun barrels to match my rolling ;)

      Never noticed that, will need to correct.

  3. Also, thanks for the stage by stage, really popped once you added the gold!

    1. Yeah, the gold works really well in the scheme. Looks a bit bland before it is added.

  4. Great work on it Mike and it's great to see it from all those angles, a lot of details that are hard to see from the standard pictures. Your army is really coming together.

    1. Cheers Joe. I'm really pleased with how it is coming along.
