
Thursday, 13 October 2016

Hero for a Day- the lost game

I recently attended a 24 hour gaming charity event, run by Nick from The Burning Eye, called Hero for a Day. 
The event was due to feature 8 games of 40k over a 24 hour period. The event was a lot of fun and raised a lot of money for a great cause. 

After seven games of 40k, the Defender's team (the team I was on) was so far ahead that the final game would have no influence on the result. Rather than play the same people again, we decided to do a free for all and I ended up playing against Rob (30Kplus40K) and his Blood Angels. 

Unfortunately, after being up for almost 45 hours at this point, I was starting to get a bit grumpy and tired. We set up and started the game, but only got to about turn 2 before I finally gave in. As a result, I never got the full battle report to write here, but I did take a bunch of photos of the game. I thought I would share the photos here for those that were interested. 

I'm hoping that with my recent move to Newcastle, I can arrange to meet up with Rob once more (possibly at Warhammer World) to get a proper game against him at some point. Till then, I hope you enjoy the photos. 


  1. How'd the move go? Had a chance to check out the local gaming scene yet?

    1. The move has gone pretty well thanks Steven. I'm back in St Andrews this weekend to pick up another car load of stuff, hopefully my last run back!

      I've made it along to Durham Raiders once and had a great game with my White Scars against Space Wolves. It only runs every two weeks though on the Sunday, so there are a few others in the area I want to try as well.
      Most of the clubs here tend to run on a Sunday. This is good and bad. I like the weekend gaming as I sometimes feel the mid-week clubs finish quite late and the Sunday ones tend to start and finish earlier. On the downside, I've been busy for the past few weekends, so have been unable to make it along to them. Hopefully I can start going on a more regular basis once I am settled in.

    2. I know what you mean, my local club runs on a Sunday, but there's a another club that runs on a Thursday and I very rarely get a chance to go along. Worhamma in Sunderland runs on a Thursday if I remember right, but it runs till 10, so yeah a late finish.

      If your ever in sunny Sunderland though, defiantly find the flipside café, well worth a visit.

  2. 45 hours of gaming! I'd be dead on my feet. If you ever fancy a trip to Middlesbrough, there is always a game on at Middlesbrough Gaming Clubs mega day. Which is held on the first Saturday of the month 10 till 4. Would be an honour to take on the white scars.

    1. I'll take you up on that at some point soon. Hoping to do a mini tour and meet up with some fellow bloggers and readers for games.

    2. Sweet. Always welcome in Middlesbrough.

  3. You certainly weren't the curmudgeon you make out Mike!! It didn't help your rolling was pants ;)

    Still the pictures look great I think! The black of the death company and the white of your white scars look great clashing.

    Definitely need to get up halfway for a game mate!

    1. Cheers Rob! The only thing I remember about this game was my terrible rolling. I have visions of awful saving throws and failing 4" charges.
