This written battle report features my White Scars taking on a rather unusual Ork army (at least in my opinion) commanded by Ross, played at Dundee Wargames Club.
The battle was big guns never tire and we ended up with 5 objectives on the board.
Battlefield terrain. The shield represents the objectives in the game. |
My army consisted of:
Kor'sarro Khan on Moondrakkan (K)
Librarian- Mastery level 2 (L)
5 Bikers- 2 grav guns, sergeant with meltabombs (B1)
5 Biker- 2 meltaguns, sergeant with meltabombs (B2)
3 Bikers with attack bike- heavy bolter (B3)
10 Tactical marines (TS)- Flamer, in a drop pod (DP) with deathwind launcher and locator beacon
5 Scouts (S)- sergeant with meltabombs in a landspeeder storm (LS)
10 Devastators (D1 and D2)- 4 Missile launchers, in a Rhino (R)
Dreadnought (D)- Multimelta, Heavy Flamer
5 Assault terminators (T)- Storm shields and thunder hammers
My warlord trait was fixed with Khan and the Librarian got Prescience, Precognition and Foreboding. Not a great batch of powers; Prescience was always useful, Foreboding could come in handy, but if the Orks are at my devastators, then I am in trouble. I don't rate Precognition at all for a marine librarian.
My army was quite different from what I normally field, I wanted to try out some units that hadn't seen the battlefield yet and have a change from the blog wars list I have been playing with recently. In addition to Khan, I added the Librarian to see how he performed. I reduced the size of one bike squad and added an attack bike with heavy bolter to deal with the orks. I also got rid of the grav guns as they would have limited use. One unit kept them in case any meganobz turned up.
I took the scouts and landspeeder storm. With the Cerberus launcher going up to S4, it could actually do some damage against the Ork horde, plus blind tests are great against I2 as standard in the army.
I also added the Terminators. I knew that Ross was keen on walkers and thought these could deal with any walkers or even a Stompa if it showed up. A dreadnought rounded out the list. I was keen to see how it performed with its increased attacks.
When making my army, I tried to use the new Detachment rules in the space marine codex. However, I really struggled to fit it into 1500 pts. I had enough models for the basic demi-company, but when it came to the auxiliary choices, I could only go with the Stormwing or with the 1st company formation (with a unit of terminators and two units of Sternguard). These ate up way too many points to be able to field a decent demi-company list with any upgrades at all. I do want to try these out at some point, but it will need to be in a bigger game.